Toxic Makeup Cosmetology

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The society people live in believe that beauty is based on the makeup people wear, the clothes they wear, and the way people do their hair to be happy and for people to like them but are people willing to sacrifice their health just for others to think they are ‘beautiful’. People don’t realize what harmful chemicals are put into makeup products until its too late and the chemicals have done damage to their face. There are so many different types of chemicals that are put into makeup that aren’t supposed to be put on our skin, but businesses still use them in the products. There are major issues involved in makeup products that could cause serious harm to a person’s body.

People have had many complaints about the product they are using and how it is affecting their skin. Some people have even had a serious reaction to the products they use. They have had burns from the toxins the product had produced. The acid that comes out of the product is not supposed to burn the skin but some of them have not been made properly and can cause a chemical burn. People have reported that after wearing makeup, it has caused severe pain or irritation. After removing the makeup, they can’t feel their face, or it hurts to move and make facial expressions. Headaches are a very common issue after wearing make up for long periods of time. Generally, woman feel dizziness, tired and nausea after prolonged exposures to high makeup.

After being tested, research has come back and said that some makeup that people wear everyday can cause skin cancer and other types of skin disease. “The Environmental Working Group reports that one fifth of cosmetics may be contaminated with impurities that increase the risk of cancer. Lead can be found in two thirds of the leading brands of red lipstick.” an article stated. Doctors have found out that makeup with bright colors lead back to skin disease more than other makeup products. Doctors want people to stay away from lipstick and similar products to help them stay safe. People now must go through a variety of different types of treatment to get rid of the cancer before it takes over their body just because they wore the same makeup product every day.

Skin cancer has been linked back to wearing too much makeup or not removing the makeup after wearing it all day. Dermatologist say that some of the products that are highly recommended in the makeup world, are some of the worst products people can use on their face. The doctors of the articles came up with a website that will test the product to see how hazardous it is to use. One of the girls that tested their makeup, her results came back very bad. The girls that tested their makeup were scared after seeing how dangerous the makeup she was using. People were freaked out after testing their makeup and seeing the different types of chemicals they put in their products. “A 2006 study by Chemical Safe Skincare Research found that the average woman uses 12 toiletries per day, cumulatively containing up to 175 different chemicals. Because 60 percent of products applied to the skin are absorbed into the body, the average woman absorbs five pounds of chemicals per year through her cosmetics.”

People don’t realize how much their everyday products effect our environment. Products like hairspray are polluting the planet and causing danger to the environment that could have a bad effect in 100 years. “The chemical substances used in makeup and other cosmetics do not break down. They accumulate in the world’s ecosystems, slowly poisoning the planet.” said researchers of Green Spirit. After people use up the product, they don’t recycle them, they are filling up the landfills. After someone sprays a chemical from a beauty product, it goes into the air making it hard for some people to breath and causing change in the air. Some people might have a hard time breathing in the air if it gets too bad from the chemicals that people are using. When the containers are thrown away, they don’t break down like they are supposed to, instead accumulate in our ecosystem. When the products go to the landfills, some of them get caught in the river and are killing the aquatic animals or having a long-term affect in them.

People would not believe that the same things that are put into hairspray, gel and mousse are also put into engines for cars, flammable gas and furniture finisher.6. These chemicals are causing people to lose their hair, irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin. They don’t believe that on the label when it lists the chemicals that can cause them pain and are bad for their health. People are shocked that their hair is falling out or go to the doctor because their scalp is burning and itching but don’t realize that the beauty products, they use every day are the reasons for this problem.

They don’t want to stop using this product, but they don’t realize the risk they are putting themselves in. The chemicals are affecting their brain cells and damaging them. Someone who is using a whole can of hairspray a day can easily kill their brain cells. The people making the product know what they are doing is wrong and that the chemicals can be very harmful, but they cover up the name of the chemical, so they can put it on the label of the product and still be able to sell the product without people realizing what that chemical is used for. They put the label on the product for a reason and people need to read them when they buy the product to see if it is worth the risk of causing health problems.

Researchers found while doing an experiment, “It diminishes the animal plankton population, alters fish behavior and causes death in many aquatic species.”8. After the chemical is in the water and evaporates into the clouds and gets transferred to different places it could rain and potentially harm the animals that drink the water and starts the process all over again when it evaporates. The microbeads in your facial wash that helps you look beautiful are clogging the waterways for animals and killing them.9. People don’t realize that they are harming animals that haven’t done anything wrong by not recycling the containers of their hair product. The animals that drink the water that is contaminated with the different types of chemicals are having reproductive issues, development change and different types of cancer. People who drink the chemical induced water may become sick or struggle with an illness.

The overall cost people are spending on beauty product is outrages. People spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on makeup just, so they can feel pretty. Today, cosmetics is one of the biggest industries in the world that is worth billions of dollars. Celebrities constantly broadcast commercials for their makeup brand they produced, and people think they must have that brand because of the person using it in the commercial. Many people think it’s ridiculous how much people spend on makeup. Some makeup products cost a lot more than others when it turns out that they are made with the same type of chemicals and formula in both.

When buying makeup people should look at the chemical use and compare a cruelty free brand and a brand that uses the cruel chemicals and they will be surprised at how they are made the same but cost way different, not to mention how much better a certain brand will work or how much less you will have to use of that product. People might not realize how much they are spending on beauty products but overtime it gradually builds up and the money they spend slips right through their fingers. Some people even have gone in debt just over buying makeup. After about 5 years people can spend as much money on makeup as they spend on tuition for college. There is a much cheaper way to buy makeup if people look at cheaper makeup that is made up with the exact formulas minus the harsh chemicals and buy that rather than buying a name brand product.

Some people truly believe that makeup has no affect at all on their body. They think that people get cancer and different types of diseases from eating certain types of food or other bad habits such as smoking but would never think from wearing makeup.

People have suffered from serious effects from wearing makeup some may even struggle with fertility. It has been found that tampons are loaded with different kinds of chemicals that build up toxins if worn too long and could possibly kill the person using it. More woman should look into using tampons that are made with natural products. Also, some makeup can cause birth defects while using them during their pregnancy. People might not realize what they are doing to their kids before they are born by causing serious harm to their brain.

Since the chemicals are getting absorbed through the skin from the makeup, they are wearing every day, it builds up and can cause harm to infants that are being breastfed. “Nursing mothers can pass on these chemicals to their babies since everything that we use, eat, and drink all enter a blood stream and effect our bodies in many ways. When the chemicals are absorbed into the mother’s body, they are stored in her fat tissue and transmitted to her milk. The chemicals seep into the skin going directly to the fetus while in their uterus and could cause long term damage to their brain.”10.

When companies make a product, they test it on animals before testing it on humans to see if the animal has any sort of reaction to the product. Animals are being abused and some are dying just so that people can test makeup products. A variety of animals are being tested with the product and causing serious effects to the. Animal testing can cost a pretty penny so why not knock out two issues at once, that being animal testing and the cost factor, and switch to all naturally made cosmetic products.

People need to be made aware of what they are using in their day to day life and the effects those products have on not only them but our environment. Overall, people need to be more considerate of our environment and start recycling and using naturally based products.


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Toxic Makeup Cosmetology. (2021, Oct 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/toxic-makeup-cosmetology/

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