Theme of Morality in Works of John Stuart Mill and Ayn Rand

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Morality is a way of guiding people to make a the right decision. John Stuart Mill articulated the theory of utilitarianism in his text and called it the ‘first principle of morality’, which means that his theory is the foundation of morality. Utilitarianism principle says that, actions are right as they tend to promote the overall happiness in the society rather than one’s own happiness. Ayn Rand states otherwise in her theory of ‘Rational Egoism’, which states that it’s Rational and immoral to act against one’s self interest. This paper will be discussing how a sentient creature should act in order to be morally right. It will be discussing both the theories of utilitarianism and ‘Rational Egoism’ and concluding on what action is moral and why.

While at first glance the theory of utilitarianism and rational egoism seems to be morally right in their own ways, analysis of their effect on the human society reveals that utilitarianism is the way to morality and living a better life.

Mill’s defines happiness as pleasure and absence of pain. His theory says that pleasure can have different quantities and qualities. Mill’s also argues that the accomplishment of one’s goals should be weighted more than the basic pleasure. According to Mill pleasures like having a dream job should be weighted more and the pleasure from eating food should be weighted less. Of a person has experienced a number of pleasures he will be able to differentiate them and would know which one gives him more satisfaction and thus, weigh it more. Mill’s theory further stated happiness of more number of people is more important than your own. In other words, one should compromise one’s own happiness for greater happiness. He writes, “Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.”(Mill).

On the other hand Rand’s theory of ethnic Egoism’ contradicts Mill’s theory. While Mill’s says morality is for the greater happiness of the people, Rand states one should act for his own happiness, and any act that gives you pain or unhappiness is ir rational. She says, “The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone.”(Rand). If we talk about all the sentient creatures, humans actually only do things which are doing good to them and don’t care about any other creature. We have been cutting down trees, taking the place which once belonged to the animals, killing them just to put some food in our stomach, the pollution we create, how do we explain that with respect to Mill’s theory? These things may bring greater happiness to the humans right now but looking down the line after a hundred years, we will be struggling to survive. We have to do things which bring greater happiness to the world, all the animals and humans, and not just only to the human society. As it seems humans just do things for their own pleasure.

It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.”(Mill). He explains the sentence as a pig or a fool to be different because they only know their own side of the story and don’t try to understand anyone else’s point of view. A point that he raised was that a person with less expectation gets satisfied easily, while someone with great expectations are not satisfied with small achievements. A poor might be satisfied if he gets food to eat, while a rich man would be satisfied if he has a luxurious life. So utilitarianism differs for every social economic class.

Utilitarianism is something which cannot guide everyone, a hungry man would do anything just to make his life easy, even if he is asked to kill for money he will do it. The action will be immoral according to Mill but it morally right according to Rand.. She also says, “To love is to value. Only a ”Rationally selfish man, a man of self esteem, is capable of love – because he is the only man capable of holding firm, consistent, uncompromising, unbetrayed value. The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone”( Rand). Everyone loves someone or something and that defines him as selfish, he loves because he likes and can would always want to keep it to himself. She insists that, humans have to be selfish and think about themselves.

Mill tries to prove that utilitarianism is the way to morality, he believes that if humans follow utilitarianism they could live more happily in a society and be more caring towards each other. He says, “Society between equals can only exist on the understanding that the interests of all are to be regarded equally.”(Mill). No one’s happiness is more important than anyone else , so he believes everyone’s happiness should be treated on the same level . Further on, Mill argues that justice is based on utility, and through justice one could promote and protect happiness. “The justice which is grounded on utility [is] the chief part, and incomparably the most sacred and binding part, of all morality.”(Mill). He believes that justice is the foundation of utility and that justice brings greater happiness to the society than anything else. Moral rights coincide with utility. Fulfilling one’s duty leads to moral rights. “Justice remains the appropriate name for certain social utilities which are vastly more important, and therefore more absolute and imperative, than any others.”(Mill).

Ayn Rand thought that humans are very selfish, we always make decisions regarding our own needs. He says, “an agent regards quantity of consequent pleasure and pain to himself alone important in choosing between alternatives of action; and seeks always the greatest attainable surplus of pleasure over pain’.(Rand). He believes morality is in oneself thinking for his own needs first. In other words, a rational man holds his own life as his highest value, rationality as his highest virtue, and his happiness as the final purpose of his life. There are many criticism for Ayn Rand’s theory, it has been argues that ethical egoism is self defeating. If one only acts for himself he will use up all the resources without caring for someone else making the situation worse for everyone else. To have a good bond among each other it is better for one to act on the basis of utilitarianism.

In a world where humans have started to fight with each other , there are wars because of scarcity of resources. There is no equality among races, there are fights, riots, attacks and so much more going on. These fights have only started because everyone thinks about themselves, in other words, everyone follows Rational Egoism as the basis for their morality and it has led us nowhere. Utilitarianism gives us a better understand of the world, it helps us to live in peace and harmony by treating everyone’s need equal and working for the greater happiness. Utilitarianism is the way to world peace. It also brings justice to everyone and protects everyone’s needs.The theory by Stuart Mill arguably will give humans a better life and a healthy future.

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Theme of Morality in Works of John Stuart Mill and Ayn Rand. (2022, Apr 01). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/theme-of-morality-in-works-of-john-stuart-mill-and-ayn-rand/

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