The Science of Dreams: What Happens In The Brain When We Dream

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Dream is the brain’s unconscious link of information in the brain, disordered, some of which you have forgotten long ago, the information on the edge of memory will be called. It’s amazing. The events and scenes formed in the dream come from people’s existing cognition and memory, which contains the contents of vision, hearing, touch and feeling. All of these elements that occur in people’s dreams are based on memory. Dreams, both real and illusory, belong to the mind, or the imagination, people still can not explain.

Psycho-dynamic Approach

This view holds that human behavior arises from inherited instincts and biological drives, and attempts to resolve conflicts between individual needs and social demands. Deprivation, physical arousal, and conflict all provide power for behavior, just as coal provides fuel for steam locomotives. (Kendra Cherry, Oct.06, 2018) “So what sort of things are happening in the sleeping brain? A wide variety of neural activity takes place as we slumber. Part of this is because sleep helps the brain perform a number of activities including cleaning up the brain and consolidating memories from the previous day.” Psychology pioneer Sigmund Freud first divided the human mind into three layers: unconscious, unconscious and conscious. In his model, the mind appears as an iceberg, with the conscious mind above the water, making up only 10 percent of our overall consciousness, while the rest is made up of subconscious (or pr-conscious) and unconscious parts. For example, when the body needs of a steam train are met and its driving force is reduced, it stops reacting.

Cognitive Theory

Cognitive theory is a psychological theory about the internal processes of learning, such as the acquisition and memory of information, knowledge and experience, the realization of insight, the interconnection of ideas and concepts, and problem solving. Cognitive psychology attaches great importance to the study of psychological internal process and takes changing the client’s adaptation of bad cognition as the fundamental goal, believing that cognitive distortion is the root cause of emotional and non-adaptive behaviors. Once the cognitive distortion is changed or corrected, the emotional and behavioral barriers will be improved accordingly. Which is a mental process. An example would be the Bobo Doll, when an adult pushes a Bobo Doll down and smashes it on the ground, several children see it and learn from it, and some even do more than others.

Activation-Synthesis Theory

It suggests that dreams are random events caused by the firing of neurons in the brain. This random discharge sends signals to the body’s motor system, but the brain faces a paradox due to the paralysis that occurs during REM sleep. It USES the memory system to synthesize the narrative, trying to understand what it’s going through. For example, when a person sleeps, the window of the bedroom is not concerned, outside the wind blew in, the wind swept over the skin, this person may dream that he is flying. My Dream Dreaming is a very strange thing. I have two dreams in my memory. At some time in the near future, I will find a sense of something that happens similar. But this time it was a dream I had a while ago. In the dream, I seem to be in another space, where everything is white and the stairs are glass, which seems to be infinitely long and infinitely high and can’t walk to the end, and also seems to be very short, short enough to reach your hand and close at hand. But somehow, in that space time, there seems to be no time, I seem to have walked for a long time and it seems that for a while to end, I do not know what I am. Yet end is a piece of glass, the glass began to be nobody, but after I went up one more ancient man, the two of us like a quarrel, I think I know you will be pushed down the glass, so desperately don’t let yourself be the ancient man flung down, but finally in vain, I still be left out. As I fell, I saw my family, my teachers and the places I had been to. Later I don’t know what’s the matter, I woke up and thought that the market is a dream, but stood up like yourself on a cliff, and saw the ancient man, he saw me in the other half of the cliff a glance, no doubt, I once again by the man pushed down, but I really wake up after this time, suddenly feel the body twitches, wake up after also suspect if I still was in a dream.

Dream in Theory

In this dream, first of all, I walked easily on a white glass staircase, which indicated that I might have a new view of life, but I lacked confidence in pursuing certain things, because the glass could break at any time, walking meant that my own goal would move forward slowly and steadily. The fact that I don’t feel the passage of time, but I meet older people, speaks to my fear of not being able to cope with the stresses of daily life, but I have a solid foundation to learn from my past. Being pushed down stairs and waking up on a cliff means that I’m under a lot of pressure, failing to meet my expectations, going through a difficult period, and afraid of what’s going to happen in the future. It really reflects my problems in real life. This semester, I have two courses. The exam of the first course is 70 points, but the score is only 58. In the second course, I handed in my paper as the second one. Because I thought I was doing well, I handed in the paper without checking it. As a result, the paper was handed out and the last page was not written. After these two times, I would check over and over again in each exam, and review all the content I talked about in class before the exam, which really changed my view of learning. My dream can be substituted into psychological Psycho-dynamic, because I subconsciously thought that I did well in the two exams, because I wrote out most of the questions, so I did not carefully check the examination papers, resulting in the subsequent grades are not ideal. A lot of things are judged subconsciously, rather than thoughtfully, which leads to things not going our way. Conclusion In conclusion, as I talked at the beginning, the events and scenes formed in the dream come from people’s existing cognition and memory, which contains the contents of vision, hearing, touch and feeling. During sleep, brain cells also go into a state of relaxation and rest, but some brain cells do not fully rest, and weak stimulation causes them to move, leading to dreams. For example, if there is something that excites you during the day, and you think about it before you go to sleep, when all the other nerve cells in the brain are rested, and that part of the nerve cells are still excited, you will have a dream with similar content, which is called ‘having thoughts every day, having dreams at night’. Dreams, both real and illusory, belong to the mind, or the imagination, people still can not explain.

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The Science of Dreams: What Happens In The Brain When We Dream. (2022, Jul 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-science-of-dreams-what-happens-in-the-brain-when-we-dream/

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