The Pros and Cons of Legalizing Gambling

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There exists significant corroboration that gambling prevailed during passé” times; during Caesar’s rule, Romans partook in gambling; in our modern times, everyone is circumambient by it. Gambling has been embraced in our communities (France, 1902). Playing the daily lottery, betting on football clubs or betting on our favorite basketballs clubs are just but a few of the various forms of gambling a large population indulges in. Albeit this, it is regarded as an innocuous hobby to some individuals, it is a contagion that should be highly restricted or curtailed completely where the effects have been extremely severe.

A plethora of studies have indicated that gambling has detrimental consequences on the ménage institution, health stratum, and both the enforcement system and the law. However, it should be noted that gambling provides very attractive revenue to the government and leads to an influx of tourism, which have greatly influenced governments” decision to legalize gambling. When scrutinizing the cost-benefit impacts of gambling legalization, a researcher ought to first analyze the institution of the family. A major muddle from gambling is that it has proffered to all and sundry the latitude to get involved in a move that could probably wreck individuals’ livelihoods and of those close to them. Gambling has the potential to negatively affect an individual’s spouse, friends, children, work relationships, and the society, all of which can gravely affect the family institution (Bashan &White, 2002).

A research on the Florida lottery, in 1991 made a damning revelation that a larger chunk of the proceeds effectuated from it was derived from low-income households, who bought tickets at the expense of efficacies (Abbott & Cramer, 1993). The increasing fascination between juveniles and the menace has emanated into a variety of researches. These researchers have exhibited that pubescents enmeshed in gambling have a greater tendency in school problems, ménage squabbles, carnal activity, psychiatric defects, and delinquency (Korn & Shaffer, 1999). Provided with these hurdles, we as a responsible society ought to conjecture a critical role in guiding children on the prospective hazards associated with gambling. It is critical to acknowledge the association involving the gambling menace and a variety of harmful deportments. Research has demonstrated that depression and alcoholism are correlated.

Furthermore, through a comprehensive study by Taber, Russo, and Adkins, they uncovered that about 44% of serial gamblers are pathological drinkers (Korn & Shaffer, 1999). In nations where ubiquitous healthcare exists, such as Canada, researchers propound that each harmful sequels of gambling puts a stress on the health agency. The law and enforcement system marks another source of agitation on the legalization of gambling. This is so since a large number of individuals end up in debt because of gambling; resort to taking part in malfeasances in order to assist sort out their debt issues (PBS, n.d.). As a result of this, police are brought into the maze, then incase a trial comes up, the judiciary has to be looped in too.

Although the percentage of individuals who result in criminal activities due to gambling is currently low, research has shown the prevalence of these crimes are on the rise (PBS, n.d.). Legalizing gambling has bestowed regimes huge sources of returns, and offered tourist attraction sites to a large number cities in the world, and has allotted an environment for individuals to choose from a wide variety of games for people to indulge in. However, in the current scenario the dangers brought about by gambling are great. World regimes together with other non-governmental organizations to come up with better gambling laws and policies, to save families and the general public from extreme financial loses and health disorders.

Work Cited

  1. Abbott, S.A., &. Cramer, S. (1993). Gambling attitudes and participation: A midwestern survey. Journal of Gambling Studies, 9:3, 10-26. Retrieved February 24, 2006, from htp://www.springerlink.com.aupac.lib.athabascau.ca/(kuoeav45brcpcuyrde2f23ai)/app/home/main.asp
  2. Basham, P.& White, K. (2002). Gambling with our future? The costs and benefits of legalizedgambling. The Fraser Institute Digital Publication (Canadiana No. 20020102449).

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The Pros and Cons of Legalizing Gambling. (2023, Mar 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-legalizing-gambling/

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