The Long-Distance Race and Its Sad End 

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The Long-Distance Race and Its Sad End Dipesh Pokharel 2/11/2019 1080 Words In this essay by Charles P. Pierce “The Marathon” Pierce is trying to explain the race and the aftermath of the incident that happened in the Boston Marathon. In the beginning of the essay Pierce presents the background or the images of the place where the Marathon was happening and how it got ended as he says” what was left behind that wrung the heart as you walked through Copley Square in Boston while the sun fell at the end of the very bad day.” I think in this essay Pierce is trying to recall the overview of the love for Boston Marathon by the peoples and further describing as true festival event and later how it turned to unforgettable sad end. Further, I think “Boston Marathon was not ended after the terrorist attack in the end of the finish line however, it ended far before the completion of the whole race.” First, many people assume that “The Boston Marathon is not important as other game and doesn’t represents big social issues” but I think this is not the case with this true game where all the participants who always comes forward and run for the joy, to reflect their true culture. In addition, author has introduced an argument says, “Nobody loves the Boston Marathon as much as the people who make fun of it year after year.”

I think which means the author trying to include himself in the people who make fun of the Marathon and more love and support will be raised if people make fun of the race. Also, I think people will become more conscious about the terrorist attack that happened during the end of the Boston Marathon in Patriots’ Day, and they can be motivated that the Marathon is certain kinds of events that not only minimize the risk of heart attack but helps to become more energetic and efficient to our task and bring all the people together despite of their different race, religious background, and their origin. Also, I think author is trying to connect the feelings of the people before the Marathon and after the terrorist attack, and how people faced certain kinds of frustration, anger, and became the victim of the event that used to end with lots joy and excitement in the people of the Boston and all over the country previously.

Second, author describes about the terrorist attack happened on Monday afternoon, and the moment when the two bombs explode at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, result as least three people died and several people are injured, while some are brutally killed. This result the fear in people about the Marathon even today and ended the Marathon which author has compared “as sun fell at the end of the very bad day.” which means the terrorist attack was like sad ending of the day when sun was not be there in day to shine and certain energy was not there in the peoples face Further, he argues that “the Marathon was the old, drunk uncle of Boston sports, the last of the true festival’s events.” which I think author has used some famous old saying which the Marathon is like old traditional festivals of the Boston sport which will rise again even if it gets stopped for certain period. Similarly, he also claims that “the famous Super Bowl now is more popular with bad rock music and offensive tackles, but it can’t be more interesting and tighten up sport as the Marathon that travels from town to town, a race that travels past people’s houses and bring all of them together.

As the Marathon is not like other sports where music, various offensive language and difficult task are included, it is the sports where people participate to celebrate, run the race and show their passion and eventually they can step their way towards the dream. Further, I think the author has also mentioned some emotional aspects of the people after the sudden unexpected incident during the end of the Boston Marathon. As people became shock, some were running on the middle of the street, some even more simply wandering, dazed but unhurt, and the overall moments was full of fear. Like author has also compared this moment with thought of 9/11 massive attack when overall country was in shock and fear. But author was pretty much sure that it is just the bad day in the history of The Boston Marathon, and he is more certain that new days will come not any time soon but some days in future. Again, the days will come when the people will start to participate and there will be true festivals events in the history of The Boston Marathon.

I think this claim of the author is definitely true because The Marathon is kind of sports which will benefit not only the individual runner who participate in the game but also the other people who promote and spread the loves for the sports. It will create certain kind of harmony among overall people of the place where the game is organized and mainly who participates in the game. At last, the author has also used some commitment at the end of the essay like he says “I do not know what happen now. I know the event will never be same. It is marked now, and it will be marked in the future.” which means there are certain possibilities that, the time will never be the same neither the sport games but there should be continuation for the game whatever the circumstance or difficulties because these types of sports help to bring the people together and spread the joy among all the people. Further, this kind of sports have always found its way in the past for its promotion and supports so it must continue to show our gratitude towards this typical game in future.


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The Long-Distance Race and Its Sad End . (2022, May 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-long-distance-race-and-its-sad-end/

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