The Industrial Revolution in Ragged Dick Novel

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Alger wrote the book to correspond with the situation occurring during the Industrial Revolution. The story begins by introducing the main character, Richard Hunter, also known as Ragged Dick. Dick is described to be smart looking after all the dirt on his face is removed. His occupation is shines boots and shoes from people passing by him in the morning or afternoon. At first, he works hard in order to get as much money so that he can spend it on theatres, gambling, cigars, etc. he doesn’t really seem to want to save up any money. After a long day at work he would find a box or someplace in the cold to sleep since he’s a homeless orphan. However, one day he meets a young boy named Frank. Frank dresses him up in clean clothes and makes him wash his hair and look smart.

Dick was astonished by his own appearance and how others treated him since he’s not in his “rags” and therefore vowed to always look as smart as he could. He was inspired to start saving up money in a bank, get an education and finally find a room to sleep in and all because of his friend, Frank. Once he gets a room, he decides to get a roommate and pay his share of the room in exchange for, Henry Fosdick, his roommate to teach him general education. Toward the end of novel Dick is slowly begins to know how to read and write, has basic mental arithmetic, grammar, etc. Coincidently they go to on a boat where Dick saves a drowning boy. As compensation for jumping after the boy, the boy’s father offers Dick a job as a financial clerk. The book ends by showing the readers that Dick has officially left his old life behind and is ready to start his new like being “’spectable”.

This novel was Alger’s way of trying to perceive a realistic image of what it was like being a middle-class male in the 19th century, during the Industrial Revolution. Alger’s intended audience was 14-year-old boys. He aimed to try and tell the boys that they should work hard, and they will get what they want and what they deserve. Moreover, they should be good and honest and never steal or cheat. If they do, then they will be better people for it. Ragged Dick relates to two main topics that we have covered in the lecture. The first one is “Social Darwinism”. This states that if you are willing to work and to be do what it takes for food and shelter than you will be able to survive. Another term for it is, “survival of the fittest”. The second one is “Myth of Success”. This states that if you strive, you could become wealthy. The other term used for it was, “pluck and luck”.

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The Industrial Revolution in Ragged Dick Novel. (2022, Jul 06). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-industrial-revolution-in-ragged-dick-novel/

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