The Importance, and Pros and Cons of Instant Replay in the Field of Sports

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Instant replay is an immediate playback of part of a television broadcast, typically one in slow motion showing an incident in a sports event. Instant replay was first used in December 7,1963 Army and Navy were playing. Tony Verna was the brain of the instant replay he came up with the idea that it would be smart if we can check the play out twice to see if the call was correct. Ever since that day instant replay has become one of the biggest tools in sports history.

It is now in the NBA, MLB, NFL, NCAAE, NCCAB, Tennis and the NHL. For each sport instant replay is used differently and each team has rules to how it can be used. The league officials realized that you couldn’t do instant replay for every single play because the game would just take way too long and it would ruin the integrity of the game. So they came up with the idea that each coach has two challenges per game which means if they feel the call was made incorrect they can go to the instant replay and either reverse the call or confirm it. It makes it challenging for the coaches when to use it because if you use it at the wrong time you can screw your team at the end of the game. I also might add that instant replay is most frequently used for football games. There are so many Pros to instant replay for one you get the call right and the game is played fair. Sports is a billion dollar industry because of that the fans pushed instant replay hard on every sport because you don’t want to spend money on tickets and food and beverages and then you lose the game because of a bad call that should have been reversed.

It is very hard on refs to make every single call right because no one in this world is perfect but there job is the toughest because they are calling professional games that mean so much to everyone in the city at the time that they are even putting themselves in danger if they make a bad call and the home team ends up losing in most cases the fans are very loud and strong with there words to the refs or umpires that it can actually be hurtful to them. A great example was on June 2, 2010 a Detroit Tigers pitcher named Armando Galarraga nearly became the 21″ pitcher in history to throw a perfect game. He was one out away and this is why instant replay was needed at the time but wasn’t in baseball yet the last guy hit a groundball and he was called safe by umpire Jim Joyce but in reality he was out by a step. It was a tough call to make because it happened so quick but now this guy just got beat on making history in baseball because of a bad call on the umpire and also that night Jim Joyce was getting death treats from all the Detroit fans. So a simple replay would of c Galarraga history in baseball and also the umpire would have been safe to travel in Detroit by himself.

Gambling is also tremendously big in sports there are lines for every single game in the world and there a lot of degenerates out there that just gamble on every single game. Las Vegas is the capital for sports gambling and there in business for one reason and that is too collect money every week so instant replay became big time because millions of dollars would be lost on games that the calls weren’t made correctly. There really aren’t a lot of cons about instant replay because at the end of the day everyone is happy the call is being made correctly. Two major cons about it though are it makes the games longer which not every fan likes because they are already at the game for hours and then they have to sit there for another half hour to hour more if the replay takes a while.

On a business standpoint it is good because it means fans have more time to purchase more food and alcohol so the ownership doesn’t mind that. Another con is while the replay is going on the players are standing still doing nothing and there legs start to tighten up or there arms tighten up and it has caused tons of strains and minor injuries. I also believe it kind of ruins the excitement of the call you know if they make a big call and you don’t happen to agree it it’s the excitement of getting mad or getting happy with your friends. My opinion on instant replay is that it the best invention ever for sports because it really is much needed. The technology now days with the camera angles and views it is almost impossible to get a call wrong and as a huge sports fanI love that my team wont get screwed on a big call because of the replay.

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The Importance, and Pros and Cons of Instant Replay in the Field of Sports. (2023, Mar 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-importance-and-pros-and-cons-of-instant-replay-in-the-field-of-sports/

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