The effect of Invention of basketball in today society

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I never really did consider myself as huge follower in basketball, neither to say a huge fan who would scream and shout as if there team was up by a 100 points. Basketball was always interesting to a point and especially to the contributor who invented the game. Everyone should thank Dr. James Naismith. Even though basketball is seen as sport to compete and to have fun, Dr. Naismith Invention Impact of the game was well recognized throughout the world.

Dr. Naismith did not grow up in your typical American home. His Invention was learned outside in Canada. He had 1 mother and 1 father but the end up eventually dying before he had turned nine years old. Dr. Naismith found a way to move in with one of his relatives in Massachusetts. As Naismith stressed of moving and losing his parents, he decide by dropping out would be a great alternative. Thankfully Dr. Naismith had the heart to continue and thankfully he decide not to give up on the invention of basketball. Dr. Naismith now a college student realizes that there were no sports being played after baseball and football, so he decides to create what we call basketball today with some peaches and some baskets.

Basketball was being shown both by pride and identity. The game was taught the American way and everyone wanted to be a part of it. Interest were taken a people were proud to call it their own. To this day we see that the basketball teaches a great amount of respect in diversity. I mean pretty much everyone plays it. I enjoy it when I have the time to play it. There were a couple of things that did take into complex. Situations of younger ones being so good at this game it would be almost impossible to win. Even in some situations illegal actions would occur to defeat the champion of this sport. Also gambling and recruiting took in to perspective as a market professionalism, people wanting the best of the best to be on their team.

One thing that is taught in basketball and something that is generally agreed upon is to “Never give up” through adversity and hard times you must keep fighting the fight that is before you. Quitting never helps, and if one works hard enough he can do anything he wants to.

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The effect of Invention of basketball in today society. (2020, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-effect-of-invention-of-basketball-in-today-society/

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