The Differences in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s Degree of Ambition

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Shakespeare’s Macbeth has been considered by many experts a successful tragic play over all other Shakespeare tragedies. The play reveals the concept that ambition could lead a hero astray In Macbeth we see the gradual change of Macbeth‘s and Lady Macbeth’s characters that ultimately led to the end of their lives. They both shared the same ambition, yet their degree of ambition was different. In the first act, we, the audience. see MacBeth as a courageous warrior who was loyal to the king But after he had heard the witches’ prophecies, he was ambivalent. He didn‘t know whether to kill Duncan or just let Fate decide the future for him Irresolution was a weakness in Macbeth’s character.

He had let the witches’ prophecies corrupt his mind and conscience on the contrary, Lady Macbeth radiated determination to get what she coveted through her persuasive character. Our first impulse would lend to defining Lady Macbeth as a good wife who wanted to help her husband in achieving his ambition, but we soon realize that underneath she was a scheming and treacherous woman. She possessed a greater ambition than Macbeth.

Her eloquent speech and perfect plan enticed MacBeth to do what she wanted MacBeth was physically strong but mentally weak; thus, he forsook his conscience and followed the disloyal plan. After the murder of Duncan, both MacBeth and Lady Macbeth revealed their evil nature since MacBeth regained his conscience and felt guilty about his deed Mentally, Lady MacBeth was much stronger than MacBeth. She helped MacBeth to get over his feeling of guilt; yet nothing could undo their crime. The path that they took was treacherous to MacBeth and Lady MacBeth themselves. Both characters had let their ambition overrule their life.

However, it becomes clear that beneath her facade lies a scheming and treacherous woman. Lady Macbeth possesses a greater ambition than Macbeth himself, and her eloquent speeches and cunning plans entice Macbeth to carry out her desires. Macbeth, physically strong but mentally weak, succumbs to her influence and disregards his own conscience, following her disloyal plan. After the murder of King Duncan, both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth reveal their evil nature. Macbeth begins to feel the weight of guilt and remorse, his conscience reminding him of his heinous deed.

On the other hand, Lady Macbeth, mentally stronger than Macbeth, helps him overcome his feelings of guilt. However, their crime cannot be undone. The path they have chosen proves treacherous not only for others but also for themselves. Both characters have allowed their ambition to overpower their moral compass, leading them down a destructive path. In Macbeth, Shakespeare masterfully portrays the consequences of uncontrolled ambition.

The play serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the dangers of succumbing to ambition without considering the moral implications. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s tragic journey serves as a reminder that unchecked ambition can corrupt even the noblest of individuals, leading to their downfall. Overall, Macbeth stands out among Shakespeare’s tragedies due to its exploration of ambition and its devastating consequences. The play delves into the complexities of human nature, revealing how ambition can distort judgment and lead to tragic outcomes. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s characters exemplify the detrimental effects of unchecked ambition, making the play a powerful and enduring tragedy in the Shakespearean canon.

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The Differences in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s Degree of Ambition. (2023, Jun 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-differences-in-macbeth-and-lady-macbeths-degree-of-ambition/

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