The Characteristics of a Ballad in Edgar Allan Poe’s Annabel Lee

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The poem Annabel Lee can be classed as a poem in many different Ways, Ballads became Widely popular during the medieval ages, when traveling singers called troubadours roamed around the land singing of great deeds done by heroic knights. These ballads consisted of supernatural elements, such as fire-breathing dragons and crafty old Wizards. At the end of the ballad, the knight usually rescued a beautiful princess. Annabel Lee, written by Edgar Allen Poe, has all of these characteristics and truly can be identified as a ballad. Annabel Lee tells of a love story between the narrator and his lost love, Annabel Lee. He explains that the love they shared together was greater than anything in the world.

Even the angels from heaven were jealous of the love Annabel Lee and the narrator shared. The angels, not half so happy in Heaven, went envying her and me; yes, that was the reason (as all men known. In this kingdom by the sea) that the Wind came out of the cloud, chilling and killing my Annabel Lee. The narrator visits the tomb of his beloved Annabel Lee every night, and as he looks up at the stars he is reminded of her bright eyes, the moon brings dreams of Annabel Lee to the narrator. For the moon never beams Without bringing me the dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee. And the stars never rise butl see the bright eyes of the beautiful Annabel Lee. And so, all the night tide, I lie down by the side of my darling my darling, my life and my bride, in the sepulcher there by the sea in the tomb of by l the side of the sea. Annabel Lee rhymes, as all ballads do.

This particular poem has a certain beat to it, the words at the end of every even-numbered lines rhyme. Furthermore, all of the words rhyme With Annabel Lee. For example, in stanza 1. lines 2. 4, and 6 end with the Words sea, Lee. and me, respectively. Many of the ballads that the troubadours sang rhymed and had a nice beat; thus capturing the attention of many people, who turned and listened to what the troubadours were singing. This poem contains a numerous amount of repetitions. Repetitions are phrases repeated again and again throughout a poem. The phrase Annabel Lee Is repeated seven times during the poem Annabel Lee is mentioned at least once in each stanza.

Kingdom by the sea also shows up frequently in Annabel Lee. It appears four times, once in each of the first four stanzas. Edgar Allen Poe filled his poem with supernatural elements, the narrator explains that one night a Wind blew from a cloud and chilled his Annabel Lee, And this was the reason that, long ago, in this kingdom by the sea, a Wind blew out ol a cloud by night, chilling my Annabel LEE; 50 that her highborn kinsmen came, and bore her away from me, to shut her up in a sepulcher, in this kingdom by the sea. The narrator goes on to explain that angels from heaven caused the chilling Wind to chill his Annabel Lee. But the love that they shared was no ordinary love. He Vindicates that demons below the sea or the angels from above can ever separate the soul of Annabel Lee and his.

In conclusion I Would like to say that Annabel Lee is beautifully written. I think that Annabel Lee should remain a poem. The ballad version, sung by Joann Bias. was really bad. The poem sounds significantly better. Annabel Lee has all of the characteristics to be a great ballad. The poem has a nice beat, has a very unique rhyme scheme and Edgar Allen Poe uses alliteration very wellt Annabel Lee contains supernatural elements, and it tells a very sad love story. Even though this poem qualilies to be a great ballad, I hope I never have to hear that song again.


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The Characteristics of a Ballad in Edgar Allan Poe’s Annabel Lee. (2023, Jun 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-characteristics-of-a-ballad-in-edgar-allan-poes-annabel-lee/

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