Story of My Asthma

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Health Issues

Do you ever ponder on why certain things happen? Or if there is a reason for something bad that happens to you? I think about that all the time. My name is Jillian Audra Lax and this is the story of my Asthma. I was born on January 27, 2006 in North Las Vegas, Nevada. I was a perfect baby, round head, never cried and I was always joyful. But, I had a severe case of Asthma.

Over time I have learned to be thankful for my Asthma. However, when I was diagnosed it was hard for my parents, the illnesses got worse, but I was able to discover the silver lining in my diagnosis.


The first year or two of my life, they were constantly saying I suffered from a small illness called croup. Every single time the answer croup. It was not any small illness like croup though, my cough was a deep bark noise, not anything even close to what someone with croup would sound like. We kept searching and desperately trying to find a doctor who would actually recognized what was wrong. At 2 years old, I was finally diagnosed with Tracheal stenosis off the brachial artery. That changed my life and my parent’s life forever.


This diagnosis caused many illnesses to be worse than it actually is and for me to get sick very, very easily. Every winter, there would be brutal weeks where I could not breathe. I was constantly coughing. This is not even an exaggeration. I would have maybe a minute to breath then I would start coughing again. This made it to where every year I would get at least 8-14 absences from school. Kids in my class that sit across the room from me could get me badly sick. It was a major struggle for me and still is.

Silver Lining

It is easy to think “Why me?” if you are in one of these situations. That was exactly what I did. I always thought bad things about it. In reality, it has helped me so much; it helped me understand how strong I truly am and how strong I can be. It undoubtedly helped me realize I can push through hard things, that I can undertake difficult things. Even though I have had to sit out on so many activities during P.E. or other activities. There are so many things I can not do because of my Asthma. I hate looking at the negative things about this, but there are so many.


I am honestly so thankful I have this condition. Every part has helped me, when I was first diagnosed, to all the illnesses and then figuring out the silver linings. I have learned so many things from it and have become stronger. I have also built up a stronger pain tolerance. The biggest thing I have learned in my experiences with Asthma is that you need to learn how to be thankful for even the worst of things because they will impact you and most of the time makes you a better person. Look at the best things in life, not the worst.


Cite this paper

Story of My Asthma. (2021, Dec 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/story-of-my-asthma/

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