Prevalence and Knowledge of Exclusive Breastfeeding

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Prevalence and knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding among Saudi mother in Dammam, KSA Introduction: Breast feeding is the natural and ideal method of feeding infant, it has an essential elements and nutrients for baby healthy growth and development (Alsulaimani et al.,2019), as well as mother health, lactating mother has decrease blood loss, lower risk of anemia, postpartum infection, and weight loss. Breast feeding has been allied with reduce risk of diseases including ovarian and breast cancer, diabetes (type II), cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis (AWHONN,2015). Exclusive breastfeeding provides infants with many nutritional benefits, psychosocial and immunological advantages which protect him against infectious and non-infectious diseases, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, allergies, asthma, cancer and strongly improve maternal–infant relationship (Hegazi et al.,2019).

Each infant has right to be feed with good nutrition for health development and reduction of health cost, impact in family as nation economic level (—– ), matching with aim of Saudi vision for 2030 for high quality of life, The public sector will focus on promoting preventive care, on reducing infectious diseases and in encouraging citizens to make use of primary care as a first step (Saudi Vission2030). This assertion is in line with mortality rate in childhood is high in middle income countries where is low rate of breastfeeding( Nukpezah et al.,2018) In addition to health benefit of breast feeding, there are financial benefit, if 90 % of new mother exclusively breastfeed infant for six months, the United States would save 13 billion dollar per year of health care and prevent an excess 911 deaths of infants. (Bartick & Reinhold.,2010)Our Islamic religion emphasis on breast feeding as infants basic right with highly recommendation to breast feed them for 2 years. (Bensaid et al.,2019). Also, WHO suggested breast feeding as ideal method of infant feeding with long- and short-term benefits for both mother, baby, environment and economy (Elsayed & Al-Dossary.,2016).

WHO define exclusive breast milk as feeding the infant only breast milk, with no supplemental liquids or solids except for liquid medicine and vitamins, mineral supplements ( Albinali et al.,2012).The aim of study to estimate the prevalence and knowledge of exclusive breast feeding in Dammam city of Saudi Arabia, although there is no reported data available for breast feeding in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (MOH, 2019). Also, since2004 there is no new data available in the country profile of Saudi Arabia at World Health Organization (WHO,2004). However, EBF prevalence ranged from an alarming extremely low prevalence of 0.8% up to a maximum prevalence of 43.9% in Saudi Arabia (Al-Madani et al.,2010). According to UNICEF, globally exclusive breastfeeding rate for younger reached 39% than six months old (Algamdi et al.,2017). according to the Ministry of Health Statistics 2018, the total number of births in the Ministry of Health hospital was 265,318 births, and other governmental hospital was 990,63 births, and in private hospital was 233,306 births. Of the total birth there was 8564 births in Ministry of Health hospital and 15,146 births in private hospital in eastern province in Saudi Arabia.

Literature review: This section includes different articles that have been conducted worldwide about the breast feeding. Searching web site found 42 article s (see flow chart). Five websites have been utilized during literature review. Mothers education level is inversely associated with prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding found as result of study had been conducted by (Hegazei et al., 2019) on breast feeding at Rabigh community (n=420) to assess factors associated with exclusive breast feeding, shows the prevalence of exclusive breast feeding for 6 months was only 27.6 % and 72% of participants were breastfed their youngest children less than 6 months. Exclusively breastfeeding mother with University level only 48% and 51% of other education level. However, the finding of Hegazi can’t be generalized because it focused on one community of the kingdom, where cultures and believes are shared among mothers which may influence in the result. Also, the accuracy of information may be affected by the long-time span when the data collected from mother about breast feeding procedures past 5 years ago.

Additionally, the tool utilized was not reported the validity. Conversely, a study has been conducted by (Nukpezah et al.,2018) on breast feeding (n=393) to assess knowledge and practice of exclusive breastfeeding among mothers in the tamale metropolis of Ghana. 27.7% reported having exclusively breast feed for six months completely, high school woman is 70% more likely to breastfeed than those who did not. However, the study shows some limitation such as bias since using self-administered questionnaire in English for participants who can read well and others who could not read or understand questions item were read it to them. In addition, the validity and reliability of utilized tool was not discussed. The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding in KSA is low as it was found by cross sectional study has been conducted in Alhada Armed Forces Hospital in Taif city by (AlSulaimani et al,.2019) on breast feeding, (n=202) to assess the gap between knowledge and practice of exclusive breastfeeding, showed the prevalence of exclusive breast feeding was only 16% of mothers giving supplementary food only after their baby reached 6 months, whereas 83.7% (n = 169) of mothers indicated otherwise, with 68.3% (n = 138) are willing to add supplementary food before the third month of age, and further while knowledge level was 75%. also, the result can’t be generalized due to social and recall bias.

The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding in Hunan, China was approaching the WHO goal of 50%. According to cross sectional study has been conducted by ( Qin, Zhang, Zhang, Li Li, Deng, Tian, Deng and Hu, 2017) on breast feeding,( n=1695) to assess and update information on the prevalence of breastfeeding in China, result showed 44.9% of exclusively breastfeed infant up to six months of life. Infant from lowest family income were more exclusively breastfed than from highest family income. However, the study has limitations, inclusion and exclusion criteria for participant wasn’t mentioned clearly. also, data collection method either, face to face interview or survey questionnaire, parents or other family adults may introduce bias. Breast milk insufficient and mother work load were the main causes of stopping breastfeeding as it was found by cross sectional study conducted in Abu Dhabi, UAE by (AlKetbi et al.,2018) on knowledge, attitude and practice of breastfeeding, (n=344), result showed only 16.9% with exclusive breastfeed for 6 months, with reasons of insufficient breastmilk production 76% and inadequate maternity leave 15% . However, the study has limitations, utilized absence of a validated standardized questionnaire in the study. Aim & Objective:To determine the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding in Saudi lactating mother.

To identify the level of knowledge about breast feeding and the factors affect it among Saudi lactating mother.Specific objective:To identify factors that delay exclusive breastfeeding practice. To measure the mother’s level of knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding. To determine the relationship between mother’s socio-demographic characteristics and exclusive breastfeeding practice. Research question:What is the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among Saudi mother?What are the factors that delay exclusive breastfeeding practice among Saudi woman?What is the mother level of knowledge about exclusive breast feeding?What is the influence of mothers‟ socio-demographic characteristics on exclusive breastfeeding practice among Saudi mother?Variable:Breastfeeding (dependent), exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.Prevalence & Knowledge (independent), prevalence of exclusive breast feeding and mother’s knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding. methodology: Study setting:This study will be conducted in three vaccination clinics in primary health care center in Dammam (Jameen, Gurnatah, Faisaliah) with older than 6 months infant.

Study sample:Participating mother will be purposively selected from the selected three vaccination clinics on Dammam. Total number of mothers seen in the clinics are (1319) based in their monthly census, Sample size will be (n=298) based on Population Proportion-Sample Size equation. Inclusion criteria:Saudi mother who had children elder than 6 months and less than 2 years. Exclusion criteria: Non-Saudi mother.Mother of baby with less than 6 months aged.

Mother of baby with major birth defects such as congenital, genetic disorders and chronic medical disorder were excluded. Tool:A cross-section study will use self-administered questionnaire for breastfeeding mothers, questioner consist of three section; the first section included socio-demographic data, the second section include biomedical variable and the third section measure knowledge of breastfeeding mother.

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Prevalence and Knowledge of Exclusive Breastfeeding. (2020, Sep 18). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/prevalence-and-knowledge-of-exclusive-breastfeeding/

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