Positive Side of Peer Pressure

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What is peer pressure? Is it when a person or group of people influence you to do things you typically wouldn’t? Is it when a bad friend tries to push alcohol into you, so you seem ‘’cool’’? How many times have you heard the word ‘’peer pressure’’ and the image of something negative appears in your mind? Although, many people associate this word with bad, there is a positive side to this word that motivates and push people to go farther and do better. Hey everyone, I’m here to talk about peer pressure and how it can help you, others around you, and schools teaching you even.

Now first off, peer pressure can influence you to try new things. Many teenagers want to fit in and are terrified of being picked on, so most tend to do what their peers do to fit in. Some people may see this as a negative or bad thing because activities like underaged drinking or experimenting with substances may come up when around people who are bad influences. On the other hand, it can be very beneficial if a positive environment is present and it is done right.

For instance, let’s say a kid named Joe in a large group of friends gets him and maybe two other friends to sign up for a new activity together like football. Now Joe and his friends end up having a great time during their new activity and word spreads in their large group that it’s a great experience. Therefore, many other people in the group may also get curious, feel like they’re missing out, or just would like to fit into the group and try to experiment with new positive things and broaden their knowledge and skill set.

Secondly, peer pressure could be used to help learning in schools. In a study in 2011 Laurence Steinberg; phycologist, conducted an experiment to see how the presence of peers affected teens decisions and actions. The teenagers played an online game where they would break on a yellow light, or speed through the yellow light. After his research was finished, he found teens felt more reward when other peers are around, which motivates them to pursue high risk experiences that might bring a big payoff, But Steinberg thought this tendency could also have its advantages. Later, more studies on this subject appeared and continued to see patterns on how studies suggest that teens learn faster and more effectively compared to when they’re on their own. Therefore, peer pressure could become a usable benefit to the education system.

Lastly, peer pressure can create better working habits. Positive peer pressure may help you reflect on actions and help you to become a better individual. In other words, watching others working hard to reach their final goals would most likely encourage you to step up your game and aim towards something positive. For example, when someone knows that his team is practicing harder to become better basketball players then it would directly affect their performance.

The person will put in extra effort, time, and energy to be up to par to the rest of the team. In addition, a person who knows that his best friend does well in Math because he regularly studies will feel like they should also study to perform up to their standards. Having a good friend group that pushes positive peer pressure can also help you give up unhealthy habits and pick positive and good ones that can shape you and your future. In result, a change in views about life and motivation to do well because of pressure from your peers can become almost inspiration in that instance.

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Positive Side of Peer Pressure. (2021, Mar 10). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/positive-side-of-peer-pressure/

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