People and Agriculture of Neolithic Revolution

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The Neolithic time was a period in human development on technology it was called the last stage of the Stone age. The Neolithic was a very phenomenal period in megalithic architecture, that distributed agricultural procedure, and the use of lustrous stone tools. During this aspiring time with the development in agriculture, humans began to completely transform the environments and places they live upgrading everything left and right. A thriving portion of the humans began to clear up the all the land around the settlements, while also getting the plants and all the animals under control. The number of people vastly grew making the community expanded, and having more people to help maintain it.

Agriculture was made by itself in several different regions, this made it possible for the agricultural communities to spread and bring down the rate of hunting and gathering and making agriculture more known. This made it easy and helped people make the decision to take it up instead of hunting. “In economic terms, the invention of agriculture and the shift to more sedentary lifestyles represent some of the most significant achievements of prehistory, and the material remains associated with these developments, including the manufacture of specialized stone tools for clearing and farming land during the Neolithic period and the introduction of the plow during the Bronze Age, have been of particular interest to archaeologists concerned with processes of domestication, sedentarization, and socioeconomic growth.” (Bolger, 507).

The growing in sedentary farming community greatly accelerated the pace of agricultural during this Era. This time brought a very wide variety of agricultural instruments, from axes to clear up forested areas, and diving sticks to break up the soil from the ground, which became the introduction of the plow. Which lead to inventive techniques like specific seed selection, fertilization, weeding, and planting improved tremendously. The Neolithic period bought ways to re-channeling river water to irrigate plants, and storing rainwater. This helped the reservoirs, rivers, canals, and dikes that authorize water control and storage that constitute all major advance in the power and ability of humans to remake their own environment over time. All of these detail important changes helped protect the fragile and severely thin soils of the semitropic and tropical areas from the torrential rains to the sun.

Over time things began to fall into place and become more stable. Better tools and more permanent housing arrangements became viable, they rose higher, larger and even more elaborate. These houses were even more capacious while even building community centers. They used a lot of different forms of agriculture to help better there area. Construction workers used sun-dried bricks, different stone structures, and wattle (which is interwoven branches usually plastered mud) that are associated with early agricultural communities. Seasonal harvests made techniques improve for food storage essential. Baskets and leather where a big deal at the time until pottery came into the picture and really boosted what they can do. The term pottery means fired clay vases, there was different formulas and different designs but it opened up a new world.

It was a little quick fix for a lot of problems like holes in the wall, the roof, the floor it really helped transform the Neolithic age to the Pre-pottery age of Neolithic. “It is evident that the Pre-pottery Neolithic A inhabitants of the area changed their landscape forever, ‘stripping’ the caliche surface and penetrating it in search of flint bedded in the bedrock”. (Grosman, 1). There a lot of different artifacts from this period in time which are defined as portable objects made by skillful people. Some of these artifacts contain pottery jars, beads, and stone tools. Some other different featured artifacts include hearths and ovens. Furthermore including the prime parts of real estate sheds, roads, houses, and bridges.

Sadly towards the end of the Neolithic period most of the major sources of food had been deeply domesticated by the humans feeding on the plants. In addition to the demolishing rations crops, food, plants such as cotton and flax whose fibers which could be carefully woven into tents, rugs, and clothing, just began to cultivate throughout the communities. Some other things helping around this time is the upbringing of new tools and ready supplies that lead to different forms of transport. The vast areas of water helped the agriculture grow and start to replenish in certain areas. “Agriculture was introduced to most of the world’s populations through diffusion. In the case of the spread of agriculture, both patterns are seen: in some places agriculturalists they shared the concept and practices of agriculture and their already-domesticated plant sand animals with people living nearby”. (McCarter, 34)

The extravagant over developing that agriculture made it even possible for the different changes that make up another dimension of the Neolithic period. The vast leftovers of agricultural parts made it easier for cultivators to do and exchange and or trade of their harvest to non cultivators for money, specialized services and presentations of non cultivators, such as weavers, and toolmakers. Most communities became dependent on this aspect, which caused a small uproar between townies. The Neolithic period specialized on the creative production of lots of different instruments and tools such ass weapons, stone tools, and even pottery which was a more important repercussion of the development of agriculture that the formation of any elite.

In the beginning of this Era it was told that for each household there was a crafted weapons and tools made for it which was required. Just as it was required to be produced into clothing as well as woven into baskets. Nevertheless just as they changed from hunters to agriculturists times are changing. Individuals and families who were proved to be particularly skilled in these various tasks started to go a different direction and established a manufacturer to help implement beyond their own need and exchange for their services they were given things they needed, such as meat, grain, and milk.

Neolithic people were not much different from yours. They lived in houses; ate bread, vegetables, fruit, meat, and cheese; used fired clay dishes; wove cloth for clothes; liked luxury goods; and buried their dead in special places.But in one way, Neolithic life wasn’t at all like the twenty-first century Neolithic people didn’t write. Scholarly interest in prehistory in general, and the Neolithic in particular, is a fairly recent phenomenon. It a rose in the mid-nineteenth century, when Europeans started studying pre-Roman cultures then decided to divide them into three different stages based on the materials used for their tools: one the Stone Age, two the Bronze Age, and three the Iron Age.

Today, we can no longer think of Neolithic people as Stone Age savages. Instead, we must view them as the founders of modern life, and among the most creative problem-solvers the world has ever known. It is very enlightening to see how big an impact agriculture had on the structure of that time. There was bumps in the road just like any other period in time, but people during that Era did something worth remembering which lead into the Agriculture Neolithic Revolution. Just like anything in life there is challenges, these people went from hunter gathers to having to build a life and fend for themselves. Changing from one thing to another, establishing different roots and going a different way to survive. These people changed everything and did a astonishing job at it. The development of agriculture had a positive impact on the Neolithic societies in the Near East.


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People and Agriculture of Neolithic Revolution. (2021, Dec 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/people-and-agriculture-of-neolithic-revolution/

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