National Basketball

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The National Basketball Association (NBA) is a well-known league that is growing globally in recognition. Many people can easily find basketball games on their TV’s, computers and smartphones. The NBA has the greatest plays, dunks, and players who are passionate about basketball which gives fans a reason to watch. The basketball league has maintained their very unique style of plays. While being a popular sport not many, besides true basketball fans, know of the origins and history of The NBA.

The original game of basketball was founded in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith, a physical education coach at a YMCA, in Springfield, Massachusetts(according to to.kansasheritage.org) The original game had only 13 rules and used a peach basket. Its original use was to keep the children healthy during the winters. While the game of basketball has always been called as such, the NBA we know and love today originated from the merging of the former National Basketball League and National Basketball Association. The NBA merge happened on June 6th, 1946 in New York City.

There were eight original teams in the NBL: the Adelaide 36ers, the Brisbane Bullets, the Cairns Taipans, the Illawarra Hawks, the Melbourne United, the New Zealand Breakers, the Perth Wildcats, the Sydney Kings. The average salary for the players was $1 million for each season. Each season only lasted 28 games. And the original 11 NBA teams were: the Boston Celtics, the Chicago Stags, the Cleveland Rebels, the Detroit Falcons, the New York Knickerbockers, the Philadelphia Warriors, the Pittsburgh Ironman, the Providence Steamrollers, the St. Louis Bombers, the Toronto Huskies and the Washington Capitals. When the merge happened the players in the NBL were dropped in favor of the NBA players.

Comparing these historical ways to today here there are versus today’s 82 game season, many different teams from all over the country, the names, etc. Many of the newer team names come from the older versions of the original team names like the Knicks coming from Knickerbockers. Some other changes implemented when the NBA changed is the number of rules, the material used for the equipment, etc. What used to be thirteen rules are now more strict rules on fouls. For example, disruptive physical contact results in a foul which then penalizes the opponent to a free throw. Also violations of showing lack of sprotasmanship would issue an assessment for the foul players.

There was also a significant change in the NBA in regards to rules.The board of governers of the NBA set in place new rules for the 2002 season and also got rid of the old rules. One of the rules was that they removed illegal defense to be able to allow in zone defense.

The equipment used on and off the court has also changed over the years for various reasons. Different things like the ball, which has changed from leather to rubber, depending on the surface, the nets which have come a long way from the peach baskets to the metal rims and nets now. Another thing that has changed over time within both the sport and within the NBA is the importance of height. Over time the players gradually became taller, with some of the tallest players being seven foot tall.

The NBA over time has gained much popularity throughout its expansion and history. From its small beginnings in Massachusetts, the game itself growing popularity and recognition has greatly expanded. In 1936 basketball became both an Olympic sport and internationally known. People in different countries started forming teams to play against the already established American players and traveling internationally to play the game became more common. According to livestrong.com In 1997, the NBA expanded the no-charge zone. Defensive players cannot receive offensive fouls in this area, which stretches in a four-foot radius half-circle around the basket. The International Basketball Federation made changes to its official court rules in 2008 for World Championship and Olympic competitions. Part of these changes included the extension of the 3-point line to 6.75 meters, or around 22.1 feet. The official court dimensions for both the NCAA and the NBA are 94 feet long at the sidelines and 50 feet wide.

(Con) The NBA has changed in multiple ways such as style with the new rules and play. Basketball has been passed down to generations as tradition, now the games are full of excitement because of the icons,moves, and dunks. The great style of basketball and basketball players. The NBA takes heart and soul from the players who play their part and teamwork is their style.

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National Basketball. (2020, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/national-basketball/

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