My Educational Journey and Future Goals

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My name is [redacted]. and I am currently a junior at [redacted] campus. I am majoring in business management and I will be graduating in 2021. With that being said, you‘re probably wondering what life after college hopefully looks like for me. or even better. why and how did I get here in the first place. Upon further reading. all of these questions plus many more, will be answered. After High School graduation I knew right off the bat that I wanted and needed to go to college. to get a degree. It didn’t matter if I knew or didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, all I knew was that I would go to college and I would figure it out as time went on. I started college at [redacted] University as an undecided undergraduate student. After taking a few classes and getting the feel for things I decided to declare a major. business management. I then realized [redacted] wasn’t where l was supposed to be and come fall of 2018, I decided to transfer home to [redacted].

There are a few reasons why I ultimately decided to come to college in the first place, For starters. I had no idea what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. so I needed to figure that out. Regardless of what I want to do. I know I need to get a degree if I want a good paying, reliable. successful job. I also needed to become more mature. independent, and financially responsible before entering the real world. My decision to go to school was also based off of my personal goals for example, eventually starting a family of my own and being able to support them and myself. Although I am a business major. I am unsure of what I specifically would like to do post-graduation. but since this degree opens many opportunities for me. I have hope that I will find what I’m supposed to be doing.

Now that I’ve talked about where and why I got to where I am today, with all the little bumps in the road, it’s probably questionable as to why I’m specifically a business major here at Penn State. Ultimately, during and after high school, ldidn’t know what I wanted to do up until second semester of freshman year at [redactedlt I took a few classes and got the feel for things and upon some research l was very interested in many aspects of the business industry. I thought business would be a great fit for me, no matter what job I wanted to pursue, my personality and ambition would surely guide the way and benefit me. Essentially, business runs the world. Weather it’s a gym you belong to or the township you live in. it’s all a business. Business isn‘t about making money, it’s about managing the people, accomplishing goals, and remaining ethical. Being a business major also comes with endless career opportunities.

I can work for myself, for a township, in a corporation, for the gym I belong to, for the owner of a company, basically anyone I work for is involved in a business. With this degree and business knowledge, it also gives me many skills I can use interchangeably that will help me through life. This degree will open a number of doors for me and I am very excited to see what the future holds. My first ideal job post-graduation like I said is uncertain and is unknown to me, as I‘m still trying to figure that out. I currently work at Wegmans and it is a great company to work for. The people I work with are truly one of a kind, intelligent, and I can also call some of them my friends. I currently work on the front end as a cashier, along with self-checkout, and in the cafe. Within the next few weeks I am also going to be trained as a front-end coordinator, helping manage the front end, assisting employees and customers with any questions or concerns they may have, and accomplishing tasks and duties in between.

I think this will be a great step to getting towards where I want to be in the future, and it will further open doors for me. If I were to graduate and get offered a higher and more prestigious position with Wegmans, I could see myself taking it. Although I would prefer it to not to be in the same area as I reside in now, I would ideally like to move somewhere in the east north central or south Atlantic part of the US. and with Wegmans continuing to expand and open new locations that could be very possible. In any career, everyone has career aspirations and an idea of what they’re looking for. Personally, I would like to be successful, which sounds very broad and basic, but with whatever I end up doing, I want to do it to my best ability, making use ofthe skills I’ve learned to get to where I am at that point in life. I would like to have a job I’m very interested in and to become an expert at that job, along with it preferably being a long term secured position.

I would like to be well off, with a stable income to support my family and to have a balanced work, social. and family life. My values and morals will also play a large role in the career choices I make and hopefully my career will encourage and be encouraged by these aspects of my life. In regard to my first job post-graduation, if I were to continue working at Wegman’s as a front-end coordinator and get offered a higher up, more prestige position after school I would possibly take it and see where it takes me. I would probably continue with this career, but hopefully I would still be able to work my way up. If I thought the job wasn’t for me, it didn’t match up with my career aspirations, or I didn’t enjoy it, I would look further into what other jobs interest me elsewhere If i kept this job and I loved it, I would still want to work at Wegmans, but I would probably try going for a higher and degree useful position.

After around five years post-graduation, I hope to have a job that suits me well. Although I’m not quite sure what this job looks like or entails, I would possibly be interested in an office job working for a corporation or an insurance company. I would also be interested in any human resource job such as a training development specialist or a human resource specialist where I would be recruiting employees. training new employees. and administering programs to improve the skills and knowledge of employees I would also be interested in a career as a management analyst/management consultant. improving an organization’s way of efficiency and increasing their profits. As a management analyst, the job itself along with businesses itself have evolved over time. Weather its environmental regulations in the workplace or becoming greener for the environment, and the means of more market power over other companies, these things weren‘t even thought about years ago.

I think these greener and more environmentally friendly means of production are incredibly important. especially in big businesses and production areas, and I would love to be able to help these aspects of business in positive and effective ways for years to come. Businesses are just going to continuously get more and more environmentally friendly as the years go on. and this is a change I would like to be able to see first-hand and to be able to help with. In conclusion, throughout the entirety of this paper I have realized how far I have already come. It’s incredible to think that in just a few short years I could be succeeding with one of the career paths I mentioned. while on the other hand. I could be somewhere doing something completely different, and I’ll be able to reflect back onto this paper and remember where my mindset was at this day in time, I have realized no matter where I end up post- graduation with whatever job I may have. I will perform to my best ability and hopefully I will find thejob that suits me best

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My Educational Journey and Future Goals. (2022, Nov 25). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/my-educational-journey-and-future-goals/

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