Meat, Poultry, and Egg Safety

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The federal food safety laws inspect and monitor meat, egg product sold in foreign areas and poultry. The Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1967 requires more than 3,000 state inspection in 26 states to meet the criteria of standards (NCSL). Inspections of meat and poultry or the USDA label seen on meats in grocery stores show, that it been inspected and that it meets all safety requirements.

Safety Requirements:

  1. 40 degrees Fahrenheit below kept in a refrigerator and sealed to prevent contamination to other foods
  2. Clean tools and hand when handling food
  3. No cross contamination
  4. Cook to proper temperatures
  5. Watch the time sitting out- meat can only be at room temperature for 2 hours.

Meat, Poultry, and Egg Illnesses

In any situation undercooking or raw meat or poultry can make you very ill. It can contain bacteria such as salmonella and that can put you at risk. Salmonella is the most common foodborne illness and 1 million people get sick each year. You can have little to mild case sickness. It’s found in the shell of eggs so when people crack eggs it’s a case they can get. Also, it in chicken as well, people who don’t cook chicken to a full 165 degrees. You need cook meat to about 145 degrees and egg dishes about 165 degrees. To prevent this food borne sickness wash your hands with hot soapy water. Wash everything you used to prepare before using it for vegetables.

Inspection programs are there to help us the producer and sellers, know there delivering a quality product to their customers. Each state does have a different program some are only meat and some are meat and poultry. The inspection was started in 1987. The detailed document includes Statutory authority. Product sampling, staff training, handling of law and regulation, consumer regulation, and funding according to NCSL.

People come in frequently through the year to watch and check how you are functioning in safety of food compliance. They will check the water of your sink to see if it’s hot because you should be clean hands frequently.

They will check fridge temperatures as well. If you get a violation then you will be shut down till violation is fixed. When poultry has been contaminated they contact all stores to send back or disregard materials. Also have flyers sent to stores for them to reach consumers who bought to return the contaminated product.

Examples of this Issue

Empire Kosher Chicken

This was a recent issue that came out. The chicken was contaminated with Salmonella and 17 cases were reported in September 2017 to June 2018. They said not to avoid eating it but to be aware and cook the poultry to 165 degrees before consumption.

Honey Smack cereals

In august they found salmonella in the cereal and Kellogs recalled “Smacks” so you know one got sick. They warn that cereal with a specific expiration date was a problem. They do that so you know if that batch you have is affected. Some people might have gotten an older batch and that is safe to eat. They updated their systems, re-designed equipment, and made sure staff knew of these changes.


Cite this paper

Meat, Poultry, and Egg Safety. (2021, May 29). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/meat-poultry-and-egg-safety/



Is chicken poultry meat?
Poultry is a type of meat that comes from birds. Chicken is the most common type of poultry.
What is the meaning of poultry products?
Poultry products include chicken, turkey, duck, and Goose. These products are typically used for human consumption, but can also be used for animal feed, feathers, or other purposes.
Why poultry meat and eggs are important?
Poultry meat and eggs are important sources of protein and other nutrients. They are also relatively low in fat and cholesterol, making them a healthy choice for many people.
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