Latin America Revolutions and the North American Revolution

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The revolutions of the Americas were both fighting for independence but were also differences in their infrastructure. North and South America had to gain their independence from Europe countries. North and Latin America won their independence differently. South America did not look to the intellectual side of the enlightenment. The revolutions were similar because they started from similar causes and ended in similar ways.

North America and Latin American won their independence through different means. Latin America consisted of Mestizos, black freeman, black slaves, and Amerindians. The war would not have been won if they did not have their large numbers of Native and African Americans. This was related to how North America barely had any Native and African Americans that were aiding them in the revolution. The other thing is that North America won their independence through working as a unity unlike Latin America. http://www.freethought-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4556, PoWH Chapter 23, Pp. 689-718.

Latin America did not base its beliefs from the enlightenment. The Catholic church continues to have a lot of power over their people throughout the revolution. They also allowed there to be two emperors by the names of Agustin de Iturbide and Simon Bolivar. South America had patriarchy that believed that men should have full control over women. These beliefs that had little to do with intellectual independence were important to South America. Sources: https://brainly.com/question/2800510, PoWH Chapter 23, Pp. 689-718.

The revolutions started from similar causes and ended in similar ways. North and Latin America both wanted freedom from hard taxes. They both fought for their independence from European countries. They both ended with property owners that were already part of higher social standing in society. People could use hard work in order to get to a higher position in society. http://www.freethought-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4556, PoWH Chapter 23, Pp. 689-718.


In conclusion, the revolution of the Americas is different in their beliefs, but both fought for independence from European countries. The main similarities and differences between the Latin America Revolutions and the North American Revolution is their beliefs.

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Latin America Revolutions and the North American Revolution. (2021, Feb 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/latin-america-revolutions-and-the-north-american-revolution/

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