KFC Original Chicken Recipe

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Farms supply KFC with around 21million chicken each year and sells almost 300 pieces of chicken every minute. One of the most famous trade secrets in KFC industry is “ Sander’s Original Chicken Recipe of 11 herbs and spices. Here is how to make KFC original chicken redeipe.

  1.  Inspect chicken breasts, legs, wings and thighs
  2. Soak chicken into the brine
  3.  Dry off and tossing the chicken around 7 times
  4.  Lay out the chicken into the secret original recipe breading
  5.  Cover the chicken with breading
  6.  Do it 7 times again
  7.  Collect the chicken in the basket and do this like see-saw motion
  8.  Place the breaded chicken on the frying rack
  9.  Pressure fry its fried chicken
  10.  Wait almost 10 minutes for machines to do their things and that is how to make KFC original chicken recipe.

KFC started using self-ordering machines in Britain in India in 2012 and in Britain in 2012. KFC used to be rolling out self-ordering kiosks that accept payment via eWallets in addition to debits or credit cards. Self-ordering machine are a touchscreen to take orders and payments. It is made QR code system or via card reader. The machines can reduce queues at the counter and customers have the option of picking up their orders from the collecting counter and have the food delivered to the table.

KFC originally used wood stove-top covered cooking pots to fry chickens. The officially recommended model was that L S Hartzog developed “KFC 20-Head Cooker” in 1960. It was a large device that cost $16,000 but it had no oil filtration system, meaning that filtering worked manually and sometimes the pressure fryers exploded. Furthermore, it often causing damage to employees. In 1969, Winston L. Shelton who was owner of Engineering Prototype Services developed the Collectramatic pressurized fryer to control KFC problems that faced in quickly frying chicken to meet growing the customer demand. The Collectramaric used temperature controls and precision time and self-filtered cooking oil. Fred Jeffries who was the vice president of purchasing at KFC declared that the invention can help fuel the company’s expansion and success.

Cite this paper

KFC Original Chicken Recipe. (2020, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/kfc-original-chicken-recipe/



Do KFC boil their chicken before frying?
According to an article, no, KFC does not boil their chicken first .
How does KFC prepare their chicken?
KFC's chicken is prepared in an industrial kitchen with a deep fryer. The chicken is cut into pieces and then breaded with a secret blend of 11 herbs and spices.
What ingredients does KFC use?
KFC uses a variety of herbs and spices to create their signature flavor. The recipe is a closely guarded secret, but it is known to include 11 herbs and spices.
What was originally made at KFC?
The phrase "Khattam-Shud" is derived from Persian and means "sealed" or "finished." It is commonly used to indicate the end of a conversation or interaction.
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