Table of Contents
The main objective of this study was to examine the impact of perceived parenting style on tourism motivation level among Malaysian undergraduates in Klang Valley. This research was considered as a single factor independent design study, as there were three levels needed to be tested in an independent variable. In this study, there were 35 Malaysian participants, who aged between 18 to 23 years old from different universities in Klang Valley area. They were asked to fill up their demographic profile at the beginning, and complete the questionnaires regarding parental authority and leisure activities motivation afterwards.
The questionnaires’ scores were then analysed. Results showed that there was no significant difference between types of perceived parenting style on tourism motivation level. These findings did not support the hypothesis, there would be significant difference between types of perceived parenting style on tourism motivation level. In short, parents’ guidance and dedication may contribute to higher self-determination. Hence, no matter what type of the parenting style used by the parents, there may have positive impact on Malaysian undergraduates’ tourism motivation.
Parenting styles was initially identified by the extensive observation, analyses and interviews from researcher Baumrind in 1991. Baumrind eventually came out three different types of parenting style after studying the relationship of children and parents at home, which are permissive, authoritative and authoritarian (1991). To this, Baumrind (1991) found that the environment where most of the children being raised up was determined by parenting style they perceived. Permissive parenting style is defined as parents who fail to set limits of firm. They less likely to closely monitor activities carried out by children or require children’s appropriate mature behaviour. Authoritative parenting style then describes the parents who are more responsive, supportive and nurturing to their children.
The parents more likely to explain the rules and reasons for attempting to control children’s behaviour. Parents with authoritative style will always give chance for children to voice out their viewpoint but only accept it when the points is rational to be accepted. For authoritarian parenting style, the parents are rigid and demanding. They tend to be very strict to their children and always expect their children obey their orders and follow the rules they set without questioning (Goldstein & Naglieri, 2011). According to Baumrind, different types of parenting styles have different effect on children’s behaviour (Lacente, Roman, & Makwakwa, 2016). Hence, there is a strong interest in the study of relationship between parental styles and children’s outcomes as children are nurtured by the influence of belief, actions and values from parents.
Moreover, self-determination theory by Ryan and Deci (2000) was used to describe the process of motivation. This theory was usually be related to leisure activities, and found to be advantageous for providing framework to understand individuals’ motivation to do leisure activities. From the motivation of participating in leisure activities, it can be related to the tourism motivation of individuals due to the past research from Ryan and Glendon (1998), has been stated that the Leisure Motivation Scale was actually derived from Maslow’s work, which relating to work that was similar within the recreation studies where re-creating and finding self are concerned by recreation. The motives were applied to determine the satisfaction that would be from leisure pursuits.
This study then conducted to examine how the perceived parenting style (permissive, authoritative and authoritarian) are linked to tourism motivation level (high, average, low) where the undergraduates who are Malaysia citizen in Klang Valley reported themselves. There is a question for this current research, “is perceived parenting style impact on tourism motivation level?” Furthermore, participants were asked to complete the questionnaires on their perceived parenting style and level of tourism motivation by the google link they had. Thus, there was a hypothesis for this research, which was there was significant difference between types of perceived parenting styles on tourism motivation level.
From the past studies I found, this is the first and foremost research which study the styles of parenting that the participants perceived categorized as the independent variable, and the impact on Klang Valley universities’ Malaysian undergraduates’ tourism motivation level.
In this generation, there are closer relationship between tourism and education field. This is because tourism might be helpful to individuals in identifying their roles at the stage of adolescence. According to Erikson, the individuals within this period tend to find out their roles, by identifying who they are, what they are valued to the society and so on (Waterman, 1982). However, most of the students were still undergoing parents’ supervision, therefore the adolescent’s perceived parenting style might consider as an important criteria that cause the parents’ willingness towards the commitment to their children life, especially in education field.
Research design
This study conducted was an independent group design which under single factor experimental designs. The variables studied were perceived parenting style and tourism motivation level. There were three levels (authoritarian, authoritative and permissive) included in the independent variable of perceived parenting style. This was a between-subjects design, due to different participants were assigned to different condition corresponding to the independent variable. The independent variable was being examined by the total score on Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) on each participant, where the highest score among the subscales, indicates the parenting style they perceived. On the other hand, dependent variable of this study was tourism motivation. It was measured by the mean score on questionnaire of Leisure Motivation Scale (LMS-28), where the higher mean score indicates higher level of tourism motivation.
There were fifty (N=50) Malaysian undergraduates, who aged between 18 to 26 years old, with the mean aged of 22 years old (M= 22) recruited. However, only thirty-five (n=35) were included in the final sample. This is because the fifteen participants were scoring same total score for the three parenting style, which caused their perceived parenting style could not be identified. The participants were aged between 18 to 23 years old, with the mean aged of 20.5 years old (M=20.5). The study area included Malaysian undergraduates from different universities in Klang Valley.
The data was collected by using two techniques. The first one was snowball sampling which under non-purposive sampling techniques, where the experimenter sent out the link to certain social media platforms, such as Telegram, Facebook, WhatsApp, to get participants who were voluntarily in participation. Moreover, verbal delegation was also used to recruit participants, where the google link was spread by word-of mouth. These data collection technique was useful currently as experimenter could not able to reach students physically due to Covid-19 country lockdown and movement restriction.
The participants who received the google form link was given two different sets of questionnaire, which were Parental Authority Questionnaire PAQ) (Appendix B) and Leisure Motivation Scale LMS-28 questionnaire (Appendix C) coupled with a demographic profile questionnaire (Appendix A). The demographic page was used to determine the participants’ gender, age, nationality and races. Besides, the PAQ (Buri, 1991) was used to study the Malaysian undergraduates’ perceived parental style. To this, the particular scale was chosen among others was because every score indicated by the undergraduates (daughter or son) was derived from their parents’ authority phenomenological appraisals.
The questionnaire consisted 30-item with three different subscales: authoritarian, authoritative and permissive (Buri, 1991). The responses were measured by the total score of the 5-point Likert scale, from “1=strongly disagree” to “5=strongly agree”. The type of the questions were basically related to how they were being treated by parents since they were young., for examples, “my mother has always felt that more force should be used by parents in order to get their children to behave the way they are supposed to” and “my mother had clear standards of behaviour for the children in our home as I was growing up, but she was willing to adjust those standards to the needs of each of the individual children in the family”.
However, only nine questions were chosen to be part of PAQ questionnaire due to the others were similar in question type, and only be rephrased as another more specified sentences, for example there was sentence of “as I was growing up my mother allowed me to decide most things for myself without a lot of direction from her.” was in fact expressed the same meaning “as I was growing up, my mother seldom gave me expectations and guidelines for my behaviour”. Removal of item questions would lead to different result from different subscales, hence the Cronbach’s alpha of each subscale was tested by reliability test. The outcome for total of items 4, 7, 9 which considered as authoritarian was .793, whereas the outcomes for total of items 2, 5, 8 which were authoritative was 547, and the outcome of permissive total of items 1, 3, 6 was .573. All the subscales’ Cronbach’s alpha were considered as high internal reliability.
On the other hand, Leisure Motivation Scale (Pelletier, Vallerand, Brière, & Blais, 1989) was used to study the tourism motivation level. The scale was chosen for this study was because it enable to show the types of motivation that motivated an individual to carry out leisure activities, in order to show the level of leisure activities motivation. The questionnaire consisted 28-item with seven subscales, which are intrinsic motivation to know, intrinsic motivation to study, intrinsic motivation to experience stimulation, identified extrinsic motivation, introjected motivation, external regulation extrinsic motivation, and amotivation.
The responses were measured by the mean score of the 5-point Likert scale, from “1=not correspondence at all” to “5=exactly correspondence”. The type of the questions were mostly associated with the reason to do leisure activities, for examples “because I don’t like to appear as someone who does nothing” and “for the satisfaction I feel when I try to overcome interesting challenges”. Nonetheless, some of the questions were removed due to the similarity of the type of questions, like the condition of Parental Authority Questionnaire. Hence, there were only 14 questions left for the questionnaires after removal.
The participants are required to read through the instruction before proceed to the questionnaires to make sure that the study purpose was understood. Thus, demographic profile was filled (Appendix A). Participants took no longer than 15 minutes to complete Parental Authority Questionnaire (Appendix B), to indicate their agreeableness on the parental authority they received. After the completion of Parental Authority Questionnaire, participants were administered the Leisure Motivation Scale (Appendix C), on which they were asked to indicate the correspondence of the reasons which motivated them to do leisure activities. Lastly, the questionnaire were collected once the participants clicked on “submit”. The participants were being thanked with words at last page of the google form after submission. The scores on Parental Authority Questionnaire and Leisure Motivation Scale were then calculated by experimenter.
Data collection and descriptive statistic
The aim of the research was to compare the different types of perceived parenting style impact on tourism motivation level among Malaysian undergraduates in Klang Valley. Due to independent variable is categorical variable whereas dependent variable is continuous variable, the independent one-way ANOVA statistical test was chosen to test the linkage between this two variables. Every participant’s score on the Parental Authority Questionnaire was calculated by totalling up the ratings across all the items. Parental Authority Questionnaire consisted of 9 items, where the responses being measured on a 5-point Likert scale. In this questionnaire, there was no reverse-scored included. The highest total score among the three subscales on this questionnaire indicated the parenting style perceived by the participants. Furthermore, the higher mean score shown that the higher level of tourism motivation for the groups of permissive, authoritative and authoritarian parenting style.
Participants who perceived permissive parenting style (M=55.9, SE=5.36, 95% CI [52.31, 59.51]) had highest tourism motivation compared to the participants who perceived authoritative parenting style (M=53.41, SE=6.45, 95% CI [50.09, 56.73]) and participants who perceived authoritarian parenting style (M=53.29, SE= 3.15, 95% CI [50.38, 56.20]).
Tests of Normality and Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Apart from that, Shapiro-Wilk test of normality was carried out at this study due to the number of participants only 35 (n=35), which were less than 2000. The normality assumption for permissive was met, Shapiro-Wilk(11) = 0.97, p= .927 . The assumption of normality was met for authoritative, Shapiro-Wilk(17) = 0.98, p= .970 (refer to Table 2). However, the assumption of normality for authoritarian, Shapiro-Wilk(7) = 0.80, p=.043. In Levene’s test, the assumption of homogeneity of variance was met, F(2, 32)= 1.60, p=.218.
Inferential test
The independent one-way ANOVA was used as the statistical test due to this study was a single factor independent design with the one independent that consisted three levels and one dependent variables. Results showed that there was no significant difference between types of perceived parenting style on tourism motivation level, F(2,32) =0.77, p=.473. Therefore, the null hypothesis was failed to reject and the alternative hypothesis was not supported.
Summary of Findings
The aim of this study was to focus the impact of perceived parenting style on tourism motivation among Malaysian undergraduates in Klang Valley. Based on the analysed results, it has shown that participants who perceived parenting style of permissive, authoritative and authoritarian were not affecting the level of tourism motivation among Malaysian undergraduates in Klang Valley. Hence, the results of there was no significant difference between types of parenting style on level of tourism motivation contradicted the hypothesis, which was there would significant difference between perceived parenting styles on tourism motivation level. This hypothesis was then not be supported and the null hypothesis was failed to reject.
Discussion of Findings
The results from this study contradicted with the hypotheses stated earlier, thus it proved that the current study does not consistent with the findings of Shavanddasht & Schanzel (2017). The past research found that adolescents’ tourism motivation level will be affected by their perceived parenting style, due to adolescent tends to dependent on parents’ opinion Adolescent wish to get parents;’ permission before proceed with free time experiences or activities. Parents are remained central agents of socializing in their lives, and even played for most of the vital role in motivation of tourism on adolescents (Caldwell & Watts, 2006). However, research from Poel (2012) had shown that there was no significant difference between parental influences on tourism motivation among adolescents. This was because adolescents spend more of their leisure time with peers. ndividual’s motivation in tourism context to have self-improvement with wider knowledge.