How to Play Baseball

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Baseball, a game played with a bat and ball by two teams of nine players on a diamond shaped field with four bases marking the course of the batters where they must take to score runs. The goal of baseball is to prevent a player from the rival team from reaching the base, i.e., hitting the ball. It is believed that baseball comes from England. This sport, which was then called rounder’s, was trendy among children. The oldest reference to this sport is from the mid-18th century. It’s a popular sport mainly in the US, where it is considered the national game. Countries like Japan South Korea, etc. also play this game.

Baseball is a sport requires a lot of coordination and communication between nine players to minimize the offense and adapt to situations based on both known quantities and unknown qualities. One reason why I chose baseball, there are certain skills with unknown quantities and qualities that other sports may not have which is fascinating. Despite that, baseball has an unclear past, so I wanted to take this opportunity (referring to the assignment) to dig dipper on the history and share, if concerned.

In addition, there will be additional information about baseball and a game similar to baseball that I created that will be viewed as you read further.

Brief history on baseball

Baseball originated before the American Civil War in the eastern portion of the United States. Legend in the folklore of American sports led back to Abner Doubleday invented baseball in the summer of 1839 in the village of Cooperstown, New York. Evolving out of various ball-and-stick games that had been played in many areas of the world before the times of recorded history. The foundation of baseball included games of English origin, such as paddleball, trap ball, rounder’s, and town ball. Cricket also played a major role in evolution of organized baseball. During the Civil War, its (Baseball) popularity grew through soldiers (serving in the Union army), through a game and had grabbed the nation’s fascination of after the war. It still remains unclear when baseball first appeared in, but the first game probably occurred before the Civil War. On July 9, 1859, a Cleveland newspaper reported that a game occurred in Ashtabula County. The first team to one hundred “scores” was declared the winner. It is unclear whether or not the game resembled modern baseball.


Baseball glove – Mitt is what catchers use for catching blazing fastballs from the pitchers.

Baseball bat – A baseball bat is the essential part of the baseball equipment. Well, without it you can’t actually hit home runs. There are mainly two types of baseball bats available- metal and wood. Metal bats are used for leisure while wooden bats are mostly used in competitions and tournaments.

Baseball – baseballs are also necessary baseball equipment for playing the sport. Baseballs are made from rubberized core wrapped inside dense yarn and covered with grain leather. However, players also use plastic covered baseballs during wet weather.

Batting glove- Swinging the ball for a long time will make your palms sweaty and the vibrations generated from hitting the ball will rattle up your hands badly. Batting gloves will help you hold the bat with proper grip and it will make hitting easy and comfortable.

Batting helmet – Helmet is worn by a batter to protect his/her head and the ear facing the pitcher from the ball.

Base cleats – These are baseball specific shoes made of rubber or metal that players wear for better traction.

Baseball Hat – From looking cool to keeping the direct rays of the sun out of your eyes, baseball hats are necessary baseball equipment for the games.

Positions/field distribution

These numbers range from baseball leagues, but the Major League, which is the main league baseball that exists (the main league of the United States) usually consists of 25 players each team.

These numbers are divided as follows: 8 defense players (receiver, internal and external defenders), the initial pitcher, 6 relief pitchers, one being a closer (extremely effective pitcher who plays at the end of the game when it is necessary to secure victory), 1 reserve shooter, 2 defensive backs reserves, 2 defensive backs reserves, a hitter, receiver or extra relief and a HP (player who rebuffs by pitcher).

There is also the staff, like the manager, and their assistants who are the coaches, each having their own functions.

Pitcher / Pitcher: He is the main player of a baseball team. Its function is to throw the ball, with the intention that it is not rebounded by the player of the opposing team.

Receiver / Catcher: Its function is to catch the balls that are thrown by the launchers, in case it is not fought by the player of the opposing team.

First baseman / First baseman: Its function is to defend the first base to be covered and cover the plays made in it.

Second base / Second baseman: Its function is to occupy the second base and to execute, along with the first base, a play called double play.

Third-base / Third baseman: Its function is to occupy the third and defend it, as well as cover the plays that can be made in it.

Interbase / shortstop: Occupies the spaces between the second and third bases. Its function is to cover the region of the second base in case of double play.

Left Camper / Left fielder: Is a player responsible for the defense of the so-called left field.

Central Camper / Center fielder: He is a player responsible for the defense of the so-called central field.

Right Camper / Right fielder: Is a player responsible for the defense of the so-called right field.

Hitter / Hitter: Is responsible for rebounding the ball thrown by the pitcher.

The Rules

Teams consist of nine players who use a leather-covered hard ball, a wooden (in the professional game) or aluminum bat, and padded gloves. Additionally, the batter, catcher, and home-plate umpire wear special protective gear.

Teams alternate turns in the field and at bat, the home team batting last. One turn at bat for each team constitutes an inning, and nine innings constitute a game.

In the field there are a pitcher, a catcher, four infielders, and three outfielders. The pitcher throws overhand, employing a variety of deliveries (fastball, curve, knuckleball, etc.), from the raised pitcher’s mound to home plate, a distance of 60.5 ft. (18.4 m). An opposing batter attempts to hit the pitches and safely reach base, while the fielders attempt to put the batter out through various plays.

A batter who misses three pitches, or fails to swing at three judged hittable, is out on strikes ; but if the pitcher first throws four pitches out of the strike zone, the batter obtains a base on balls, or walks to first base.

A run is scored every time a batter becomes a runner and crosses home plate after touching each base in the prescribed order.

When the fielding team puts out three batters (or runners), the teams exchange places. If the score is tied at the end of nine innings, play continues into extra innings until one team has scored more runs than the other in an equal number of turns at bat.

The Objective

The objective of each team is to win by scoring more runs than the opponent.

How the game is played

-209840Every professional baseball game comprises 9 innings. Each innings is divided in half, the top and bottom Innings. The top part, the visiting team hits, and the home team defends. The bottom part of the inning is where the home team hits and the visiting team has to defend.

Play starts when the pitcher (who tries to hit the ball into the baseball field) throws a ball overhand towards the batter

Players score runs by hitting the ball and running around the four bases (running in a counterclockwise direction) before a player in the field is able to get them out. This can be done in stages or all in one go, depending on how many bases the player thinks they can reach without getting out. If a player reaches the base before the ball, they are called ‘safe’.

Once a batter has hit the ball, then they are referred to as a ‘runner.’

Runners try to reach the bases, and can remain safe on a base until the next hitter comes.

If the ball is caught direct from the batter’s hit, then that batter is out. The same applies if the ball is thrown to first base before the batter arrives at the base.

A batter is out if he or she fails to connect with the ball three times after three good pitches — which is often referred to as being ‘out on strikes’.

The offensive player can also be out by a ‘tag out’ when a defensive player touches the runner with the ball or a glove with the ball in.

After the batting team has three players out, the teams switch so that the other side does the fielding while the other bats.

The defensive team position a ‘catcher’ directly behind the batter who catches the ball if it is not hit.

The defensive team also position ‘infielders’ on first, second and third base ‘basemen’ and also will have a ‘shortstop’ to cover the area between second and third base.

There will also be three outfielders or the defensive team – the center fielder and the right and left fielders.

When the teams are on offence, they have nine players in batting order- this cannot change during the game although players may be substituted in for one another.

The Objective

The objective of each team is to win by scoring more runs than the opponent

Run It

I created a game slight similar from inspiration and also I was instructed to.

Run it is similar to baseball but there are a couple of differences. You will identify them as you read through. The game is played with just a ball by two teams of 5 players on a large surface i.e. garden, yard, etc. with bases marking the course of the batters where they must take to score runs. There are 5 innings. The goal is to prevent a player from the rival team from reaching the base, i.e., catching the ball.

Positions/Field Distributions

The run it field is in the same form of a baseball field, its position makes it appear to be a diamond

This field is divided into two main parts: infield and outfield.

The infield has ground on land and is square (the diamond), having four bases, which have to be reached by the player who is attacking and each has a player to defend them.

The outfield has the ground grass, being the part the infield to the wall and is protected by more 3 players, who are always attentive to the launches that are long and high (fly balls).

These numbers usually consists of 15 players each team.

These numbers are divided as follows: 5 defense players (receiver, internal and external defenders), the initial pitcher, 2 relief pitchers, one being a closer (extremely effective pitcher who plays at the end of the game when it is necessary to secure victory), 2 defensive backs reserves, 2 defensive backs reserves, a catcher, receiver or extra relief and a HP (player who rebuffs by pitcher).

There is also the staff, like the manager, and their assistants who are the coaches, each having their own functions.

Pitcher / Pitcher: He is the main player of a baseball team. Its function is to throw the ball, with the intention that it won’t be caught by the player of the opposing team.

First baseman / First baseman: Its function is to defend the first base to be covered and cover the plays made in it.

Second base / Second baseman: Its function is to occupy the second base and to execute, along with the first base, a play called double play.

Third-base / Third baseman: Its function is to occupy the third and defend it, as well as cover the plays that can be made in it.

Interbase / shortstop: Occupies the spaces between the second and third bases. Its function is to cover the region of the second base in case of double play.

Left fielder: Is a player responsible for the defense of the so-called left field.

Center fielder: He is a player responsible for the defense of the so-called central field.

Right fielder: Is a player responsible for the defense of the so-called right field.

Catcher: Is responsible for catching the ball thrown by the pitcher.


Teams consist of 6 players who use a leather-covered hard ball, padded gloves. Additionally, the batter, catcher, and home-plate umpire wear special protective gear.

Teams alternate turns in the field and at bat, the home team batting last. One turn at throw for each team constitutes an inning, and nine innings constitute a game.

In the field there are a pitcher, a catcher, 3 infielders, and 2 outfielders. The pitcher throws overhand, employing a variety of deliveries (fastball, curve, knuckleball, etc.), from the raised pitcher’s mound to home plate, a distance of 60.5 ft. (18.4 m). An opposing catcher attempts to catch the pitches and safely reach base, while the fielders attempt to put the batter out through various plays.

A Catcher who misses three pitches, or fails to swing at three judged hittable, is out of strikes; but if the pitcher first throws four pitches out of the strike zone, the batter obtains a base on balls, or walks to first base.

A run is scored every time a catcher becomes a runner and crosses home plate after touching each base in the prescribed order.

When the fielding team puts out three catchers (or runners), the teams exchange places. If the score is tied at the end of 5 innings, play continues into extra innings until one team has scored more runs than the other.

If the catcher catches the ball, the ball should be held in either of their hands all the way around the diamond back to the home plate In order for the score to count or to score a point.

How to play

A pitcher in the center of the diamond throws the ball to the catcher who stands on the home plate.

The catcher aims to catch the ball and run as far around the diamond as they can before the pitcher runs to second base.

The catcher is “out” if a fielder catches the ball or a team mate from the opposing team at base catches the ball before the catcher reaches them.

If you’re on catch, you don’t have to do a home run in order to stay in the game. You can choose to wait at first, second or third base if you can’t make it to the next base before the ball is fielded. A second catcher then comes up to face the pitcher. Previous catchers waiting on any base can continue their run if the new player “at the plate” catches the ball.

A catch who makes it all the way around the diamond back to the home plate scores a point, and the team with the most points after 5 innings wins.


Baseball – baseballs are also necessary for Run it equipment for playing the sport. Baseballs are made from rubberized core wrapped inside dense yarn and covered with grain leather. However, players also use plastic covered baseballs during wet weather.

Batting glove- Swinging the ball for a long time will make your palms sweaty and the vibrations generated from hitting the ball will rattle up your hands badly. Batting gloves will help you hold the bat with proper grip and it will make hitting easy and comfortable.

Catcher helmet – Helmet is worn by a batter to protect his/her head and the ear facing the pitcher from the ball.

Base cleats – These are baseball specific shoes made of rubber or metal that players wear for better traction.

Baseball Hat – From looking cool to keeping the direct rays of the sun out of your eyes, baseball hats are necessary baseball equipment for the games.


  1. Retrieved July 23, 2019, from howlingpixel: https://howlingpixel.com/i-en/Baseball
  2. Baseball. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2019, from autocww.colorado.edu: http://autocww.colorado.edu/~toldy2/E64ContentFiles/Sports/Baseball.html
  3. Baseball. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2019, from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baseball
  4. Baseball. (2019, July 23). Retrieved July 23, 2019, from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baseball
  5. Baseball Volcabulary. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2019, from Englishclub: https://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/sports-baseball.htm
  6. baseballbrains. (2019, February 19). All the Equipment Needed to Play Baseball. Retrieved July 23, 2019, from HowTheyPlay: https://howtheyplay.com/team-sports/All-The-Equipment-Needed-To-Play-Baseball
  7. Sportregras. (n.d.). All about Baseball [ Rules, History, … ]. Retrieved July 23, 2019, from sportsregras: https://sportsregras.com/en/baseball-rules-history/
  8. Wiki2. (n.d.). Baseball. Retrieved July 23, 2019, from Wiki2: https://wiki2.org/en/Baseball

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How to Play Baseball. (2020, Sep 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/how-to-play-baseball/



How do you start a baseball game?
The baseball game is started by the home team taking the field first and the visiting team taking the batting position. The pitcher from the home team then throws the first pitch to the first batter from the visiting team to start the game.
How is a baseball game played?
A baseball game is played by two teams of nine players each, who take turns batting and fielding.
Is it easy to play baseball?
It can be easy to play baseball if you know the rules and have some practice. However, it can be difficult to play if you are not familiar with the sport.
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