How to Play a Soccer?

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What Is Soccer?

Soccer (It is also called Association Foot as its official name) is a sport played by two teams. Each team consists of 11 players. To play this sport, you need to pass, defend and shoot without touching or using your arms and hands. Except for the goalkeeper, he can use his within the penalty area.

Brief History of Soccer

Less than 200 years ago, Soccer originated in Britain. It all began when Association football and Rugby football split up and have their own ways. 2000 years ago, many nations claiming that the sport started and originated from them.

There are scientific evidence that the sport was first played in China back to Han Dynasty. It was called Tsu’ Chu. The ball used was a leather ball with a feather.

On the 26th of October 1863, the Football Association was formed when eleven schools and clubs established a single set of rules. 8th of December 1863, Rugby football and Association Football split onto two different organizations. In 1904, FIFA was formed with 7 members in Paris.

Stepover (scissors)

Preparation: (first two figures)

  1. Start with dribbling the ball slightly to your right.
  2. Bent your knees and lean slightly forward to your waist.

Execution: (third and fourth figure)

  1. Bring your dominant foot around the ball. If you’re using your right foot, do it clockwise. If you’re using your left foot, do the opposite.
  2. Move your left foot (if you’re using right foot) as you’re landing, transfer weight to your right foot.
  3. Touch the ball with the outside of your foot at an angle going forward. (if you are going to do this, you should be few steps away from a defender).

Follow Through: (fifth figure)

  1. Change Pace. Change your speed from slow to fast when going forward.


Preparation: (first figure)

  1. Look up before kicking the ball.
  2. Keep your eye on the ball.

Execution: (second to fifth figure)

  1. Run towards the ball with even strides.
  2. Place your foot (non-kicking) next to the ball
  3. Bring back up your kicking foot as far as you can.
  4. Your leg must look like a “V”. To position it, bend your knee and point your toes downward
  5. Hold your ankle in place
  6. Stand straight as you kick
  7. Kick the ball with your inside foot for a more accurate shot.

Follow Through: (fifth figure)

  1. After striking the ball, bring your kicking leg to a medium height.
  2. Step through and put your foot on the ground.


  1. Kick the ball to the person you wanted to pass to.
  2. Make sure that your pass is able to make to the person.
  3. Kick the ball to the person you wanted to pass to.
  4. Make sure that your pass is able to make to the person.
  5. Before kicking the ball make sure your ankle is a lock.
  6. Raise the foot you are going to use to kick (not too far)
  7. Before kicking the ball make sure your ankle is a lock.
  8. Raise the foot you are going to use to kick (not too far)
  9. Point your foot to the person you chose to pass to.
  10. Point your foot to the person you chose to pass to.
  11. If you’re standing still, try to step back and put your foot plant even with the ball.
  12. If you’re standing still, try to step back and put your foot plant even with the ball.

Activities to Practice Each Skills Stepover (Scissors)

  1. To perfect this skill, you must keep practicing on how to do it.


  1. Set the ball in front of you and practice to make around the ball (like a half 8 shape)
  2. Keep on doing it without moving the ball.

Another Drill

  1. Set up 3 cones: a starting cone, defender cone and an accelerated cone.
  2. From the starting cone, dribble at a slow pace, do the scissors a few steps away from the defender cone.
  3. Then change your speed and accelerate forward.
  4. Do this until you feel like you are getting better or getting it.


  1. To perfect this skill, you must keep practicing on how to do it.
  2. Set up 3 cones. Start practicing without a ball by measuring your normal steps to the ball on the second cone.
  3. Jog to the second cone, plant your foot (non-kicking) next to the third cone and swing your leg up to the air (as far as possible) and imagine kicking the ball!

One-Touch Shooting Game

Set up

  1. 4 players against 4 players.
  2. The goal at each end but no keepers.


  1. Play a normal game but the goal is to shoot the ball with just one touch.


  1. To perfect this skill, you must keep practicing on how to do it.

Gated Passing Drill

  1. Set two cones about a yard apart then another two cones about five yards apart.
  2. You and your partner pass the ball back and forth to each other.

Looped Passing Drill

  1. Set two cones 10 yards apart.
  2. Go around either clockwise or counterclockwise
  3. If you’re going clockwise, receive the ball on your right side of the body, tap the ball then, pass with your left side. (Your partner going to do the same thing.)

Cite this paper

How to Play a Soccer?. (2020, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/how-to-play-a-soccer/

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