US History Essay Examples Page 11

362 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics

American History: George Washington

Pages 3 (707 words)

American Revolution

George Washington

Revolutionary War

US History

Open Document

Woman in American History

Pages 5 (1 187 words)

American History

Revolutionary War

US History

Open Document

Story of Courage During the Fighting

Pages 2 (411 words)

Abraham Lincoln


US History

Open Document

Effect of the War of 1812 on American Nationalism

Pages 7 (1 616 words)

US History

War of 1812

Open Document

The Role of the United States in World Affairs

Pages 11 (2 599 words)

American History

Spanish American War

US History

Open Document

Representation of the Progressive Era in The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

Pages 4 (828 words)

Book Review

The Progressive Era

US History

Open Document

The 1992 Presidential Election the United States

Pages 5 (1 107 words)


Presidential Election

US History

Open Document

History of Slavery in America: Forgive and Forget

Pages 6 (1 437 words)


Slavery In America

US History

Open Document

Life of 35th President John F Kennedy

Pages 4 (899 words)

John F Kennedy


US History

Open Document

The Dust Bowl: The Story of an American Disaster

Pages 7 (1 560 words)

American History

Dust Bowl

US History

Open Document
1 10 11 12 37

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