Romeo and Juliet Essay Examples

19 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


Theme of Conflicts in Romeo and Juliet

Pages 4 (846 words)


Romeo and Juliet

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Love and Death in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Argumentative Essay

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Romeo and Juliet


William Shakespeare

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Romeo and Juliet vs Arranged Marriage Argumentative Essay

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Romeo and Juliet



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Theme of Love and Enmity in Romeo and Juliet Summary

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Romeo and Juliet: Compare of Play and Film

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Romeo and Juliet

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Feud and Death in Romeo and Juliet

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Mythology in Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet

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Comparison of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet with Baz Luhrmann’s Adaptation

Comparison of Two Romeo And Juliet Versions

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Different Types of Love Portrayed in Skespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

Directing a scene from Romeo and Juliet

Directing Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo And Juliet


William Shakespeare, born in the mid 16th century in Stratford upon Avon, England.




Shakespearean tragedy


The story is set in Verona, Italy in the 1300s. The two rival families called The Montagues and The Capulets were prominent and had been in a violent conflict for some time.


Romeo, Juliet, Count Paris, Mercutio, Tybalt, The Nurse, Rosaline, Benvolio, Friar Laurence


Original Language: English

The plot: The play follows a young couple named Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Unfortunately, they both come from the prominent family that violently hate one another. Sure, that their families would not approve of them being together, they secretly get married by a priest called Friar Laurence. After their secret marriage, Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt kills one of Romeo’s friend Mercutio. Romeo takes Tybalt’s life in return, but then he is exiled. Juliet learns that her parents have found another suiter for her called Paris, the noble man. To stop a forced marriage to Paris, Juliet takes a drug that makes her look like she died. Romeo drinks poison to join her in her death but this results in Juliet’s suicide and the end in Montague popular grudge.Characters/Characterization: Romeo Montague. The teenage Romeo’s love for Juliet makes him do anything to be with her despite their families fighting. He is never interested in masculine activities like getting into trouble. Therefore, he refuses Tybalt’s challenge to fight. He also does not want to fight those who are his family through marriage. However, after Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo seeks his deadly revenge. His youth and impulsiveness ultimately lead to his and Juliet’s death.Juliet Capulet is a young and beautiful teenaged girl who matures very quickly throughout the play. Although her parents wanted her to marry another man, she is determined to control her own life and chose whom she will love and be with. In a very short time, Juliet detaches herself from them and gives her loyalty to her new husband, Romeo. Unfortunately, her sacrifices help cause her and Romeo’s deaths.Tybalt and Mercutio: Tybalt is Juliet’s proud macho and intimidating cousin. He wants to make sure everybody knows he is a good fighter and he helps keep Montagues feuds going with all the hate inside him. As Romeo’s close friend, Mercutio won’t hesitate to offer him advice when he is feeling down. Since He also feels a strong loyalty to the Montagues, he is willing to fight Tybalt to the death.Plot: The play tackles loyalty, family, and death. Especially with respect to how Romeo and Juliet’s death makes their families put aside their feuds in the interest of peace. Daggers and Swords represent violence and masculinity. Plants and poisons represent duality between good and evil. The sun and the moon represent moderate love versus intense, shifting love. Love and Marriage present the difficulty between true love and officially sanctioned love. Violence represents the manifestation of hate. Authority depicts characters having control of others. Differences in age cause conflicts between the young and the old as the dispositions of young characters collide with the expectations of older characters. Identity explores who someone actually is versus their names and associations.

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