Marketing Essay Examples and Research Papers
141 essay samples on this topic
Essay Examples
Essay topics
The Relating 4P’s of Marketing to 4C’s of Marketing Analytical Essay
Marketing Plan
Relationship Marketing: Important Business Strategy
Business Management
Product Strategy and Company’s Marketing Target
Marketing Plan
The Role of the Marketing Department within an Organization Argumentative Essay
Coles Supermarkets Marketing Concept Analytical Essay
Career Goals and Leadership in Marketing
Career Goals
Marketing Mix – Industrial Marketing with Upgraded 4P’s
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What is Marketing?
Marketing is an activity that aims to make a profit by meeting the needs of customers. It is a very generalized definition that shows the essence of any marketing activity – the ability to sell a product or service to a target audience.
In a broader sense, marketing is a complex discipline that includes the ability to analyze the niche and competitors, predict consumer demand, and skillfully build communications with the target audience. In short, a professional marketer must understand how to turn the needs of people (B2C) or organizations (B2B) for services and goods into consumer demand.
Thus, if we describe marketing in brief – it is an activity to meet the needs of customers. Actually it is the main goal of all marketing strategies of the company.
We have considered above what marketing is and defined its goals, objectives and principles. Further we will get acquainted with five key functions of marketing:
Analytical. A set of activities to investigate external and internal factors that affect the company, market and consumer demand. It includes the analysis of the niche and competitors, study of CA needs and forecasting of consumer behavior. In addition, the company’s internal operations are also analyzed, i.e. how well does the corporate environment correspond to the demands of the time and how does the company look like compared to its competitors.
Production. These functions are responsible for introduction of new technologies into production process. The process itself could be subdivided into several components: organization of purchases, sales of goods and services, warehousing, and others. Production functions also solve problems of quality management and competitiveness of goods on the market, and control the conformity of products to quality standards.
Management and Control. Responsible for the planning processes of marketing activities in the company. They also provide information support for customers and partners, and risk management.
Sales. Everything that is responsible for the formation of pricing and product policy of the company. In a broader sense, sales also includes activities to expand demand for goods and services, the development of new markets.
Innovative. Development and introduction of a new product to the market.
Topics and ideas for marketing
- Techniques to determine client satisfaction
- Utilizing social media platforms to market your products
- The use of ethics in marketing
- How to assess customer satisfaction
- How gender affects buying decisions in the family
- How to engage customers online
- Explaining segmentation on the market
- How recession affects marketing activities
- How can social media impact the buying choices of shoppers?
- Are consumers equipped to shield themselves from direct marketing strategies?
- Determine and analyze consumer buying behavior for [product name]
- How does advertising impact consumer behaviour?
- How does family orientation impact marketing communications?
- What characteristics do buyers look for when purchasing a product online?
- How does global marketing incorporate standardization?
- What attributes do consumers look for when comparing products online?
- The importance of academic language in marketing;
- Tricks to attract leads to mediocre services;
- Marketing in America vs Europe;
- Dating websites – How to attract desperate singles?
- Pharmaceutical marketing – dangers and benefits;
- Female and male marketing – what are their differences?
- McDonald’s (KFC, Burger King) marketing strategies;
- The danger of impulse buying;
- Customers’ behavior in buying;
- Why do clients hate ads?
- Marketing strategies used in the fashion industry.
- Analyzing the impact of gender on family members buying decision.
- Evaluating the success factors in global marketing: A case study of Apple.
- Analyzing the strategies used in marketing baby and maternity products.
- How do companies differentiate their services on the basis of social class?
- Brand marketing and political campaigns.
- How do companies exploit impulse buying to drive sales?
- Is centralized marketing for global brands a good idea?
- Harmful impacts of advertising on children.
- In-store branding and brand salience.
- Is direct marketing really the most effective form of marketing?
- What internet marketing trends can be expected for the future?
- How to marketing strategies differ across different cultures?
- Can brand advertising impact political campaigns?
- How do brands exploit impulsive buying?
Videos about Marketing
- Seth Godin – Everything You (probably) DON’T Know about Marketing
- Introduction To Marketing | Marketing 101
3. 4 Principles of Marketing Strategy | Brian Tracy
Interesting infographics about Marketing
- Digital around the world
2. Marketing statistics in internet
3. Digital ad spending worldwide