American Revolution Essay Examples and Research Papers

24 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


The American Revolution

Pages 6 (1 265 words)

American Revolution

George Washington

Revolutionary War

US History

Open Document

Slavery and the American Revolution

Pages 4 (784 words)

American Revolution


Open Document

History Of American Revolution War

Pages 7 (1 516 words)

American Revolution


John Locke

Revolutionary War

Open Document

American Revolution and Shay’s Rebellion

Pages 4 (910 words)

American Revolution

US History

Open Document

American Independent Revolution Review

Pages 4 (901 words)

American Revolution

Revolutionary War

Open Document

Effect of American Revolution on America’s National Character

Pages 5 (1 005 words)

American History

American Revolution

Open Document

Historical Events: The American Revolution and September 11, 2001 Review

Pages 3 (596 words)

American Revolution

Revolutionary War


Open Document

Latin America Revolutions and the North American Revolution

Pages 2 (351 words)

American Revolution

Latin America

Open Document

George Washington – First President of the United States

Pages 5 (1 003 words)

American Revolution

Bill Of Rights


George Washington


Open Document

Differences between American and Russian Revolutions

Pages 6 (1 371 words)

American Revolution

Russian Revolution

Open Document
1 2 3

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Events leading to the American Revolution

History of the American Revolution

Mercantilism, taxation policies and the American revolution

Precis and Source Analysis of The Radicalism of the American Revolution

Role of Women in American Revolution

Slavery and the American Revolution

The American Revolution From 1763 to 1777

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The Impact of American Revolution on Society

The Patriot: The American Revolution

The Socio Economic reason of the American Revolution

War of 1812: The Second American Revolution

Was the American Revolution inevitable?


Dates: Mar 22, 1765 – Dec 15, 1791

Location: Thirteen Colonies

Official start: April 19, 1775

Participants: Colonists in British America, Slaves, Native Americans, supported by France, Spain & the Netherlands

American Revolution is unarguably the most important event in US history as it has been the starting point of the separate nation of Americans who defied the overlordship of the British crown and created their own country. Reading the causes of the American Revolution essay, you may find a variety of reasons as to why the conflict started to brew in the colonies – increasing taxes, imperialism, political corruption, and tyranny of the Crown. One of the prominent reasons, above all else, was the emerging national sentiments raising among the American people. These people no longer considered themselves Englishmen, they would rather call themselves Americans, and so they saw no reason to obey the oppressive government on the opposite side of the globe. Writing an essay on the American Revolution, you would find that there are many prominent figures who took part in the creation of the new nation. You can discuss such individuals as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and more in your American Revolution essay. There’s lots of ground to cover here, so you have some serious work ahead.

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