Djoser: Ancient Egypt Pharaoh

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Did you know that “7 years of famine occurred”(Ancient Egypt Online) during Djoser’s rule? Did you know that Djoser was the first known Egyptian pharaoh that was also known as a god? Did you know that he was the 2nd ruler of the 3rd dynasty.Not many people did , so here are some more facts about Djoser.

Some of his major achievements are that he invented the first type of pyramid, the step pyramid. He also was considered to be a god by his people. His name is directly related to the god Osiris. Another thing that he did was make technological advancements by using stone to build things instead of the normal mud and dirt. During his reign, seven years of famine occurred and many of his people starved to death. He believed that the god Khnum controlled the flow of the Great Nile River. They built a shrine for Khnum and that almost miraculously ended the famine. After the famine, Djoser’s society was economically stable and politically stable. He kept Upper and Lower Egypt united during his whole reign. He was a noble leader of Ancient Egypt.

Not much is known about his family other than their names. His father’s name was Khasekhemwy, his mother’s name was Nimaathap. He had a wife named Hetephernebti who was probably his half sister. He had two daughters, one was named Intakes and the other’s name is unknown. His birth occurred on an unknown date. A statue that is the size of an average adult was made in favor of him, showing gratitude towards him. It is located at the Cairo museum currently. Also a family steele was built for him. It has courtyards and gardens surrounding it .

The steele dates to 2,000 years after his death which happened at an unknown date. The steele is scribed with egyptian writing that relates to egyptian gods and family. According to the website Ancient Egypt Online, the main purpose of his pyramid was to protect his mummy and his wealth for eternity to make him live forever. His pyramid was the first pyramid to be built in the Saqqara desert. It was found out that his pyramid had been robbed in the year 1934.f Egyptologist Jean-Philippe Lauer had stole everything from the pyramid except some of the body parts of Djoser’s mummy.

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Djoser: Ancient Egypt Pharaoh. (2021, Mar 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/djoser-ancient-egypt-pharaoh/



Was King Djoser a pharaoh?
Yes, King Djoser was a pharaoh of the Third Dynasty of Egypt. He is known for commissioning the first pyramid in Egypt, the Step Pyramid of Saqqara.
What are 5 facts about King Djoser?
1. King Djoser was the second king of the Third Dynasty of Egypt. 2. He is best known for his construction of the Djoser's pyramid, the first pyramid built in Egypt.
What was Pharaoh Djoser known for?
Djoser was the first pharaoh of the Third Dynasty of Egypt and he is known for his work on the Step Pyramid of Saqqara.
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