A Study of Women’s Role in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Stetson and The Mirror by Sylvia Plath

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In Charlotte Perkins Stetson’s, The Yellow Wallpaper, and Sylvia Plath’s “Mirror” the role of women is characterized to be secondary to the roles of men by illustrating that the two women, from Stetson and Plath’s works, are not putting their foot down and they are just letting the men control everything which in the women’s defense was the “way” of the society. The two women do not accept the identities of mother and wife to be their only purpose in life. The societies these two women live in have their own theories; which they believe that men should be the sole providers of the household, An article from the letter to the editor associated with Stetson‘s piece suggests that the work should not be written on paper because it is only encouraging women to speak up about their rights. In my opinion, Stetson’s piece, The Yellow Wallpaper was written to show how men, in general, think they always know what‘s best It was also written to demonstrate how the woman in the story was trying to release her true self from the prison that society placed her in the set roles of wife and mother.

Through the course of truly “finding” herself, one might read this story and believe that she, the woman, had completely lost her mind. This is exactly how the M.Di from the article perceived it. He asks if stories such as this should even be permitted because he believes women with this same problem will only perceive this story to be deadly. This professional released the article shortly after Stetson’s piece so he himself was influenced by the “ways” of the society, so if he looked at this story from another perspective he would‘ve realized that the woman indeed did have a problem, but she was only going through postpartum depression. Plus her husband was keeping her in solitary which was ultimately driving her insane since she could not do all she wanted to do. The woman was trapped in the roles of mother and wife and was not allowed to be her own WOITlElI‘I.

Despite the fact that the woman from Stetson and Plath’s works are being confined in their society, they fall into the trap of believing that there is nothing wrong with them. The can feel something is not right, but for the most, part they chose to believe they were perfectly fine. Of course John and the liars (candles or the moon) from Plath’s piece did not help the situation because they only confirmed that the women were fine. Both John and the mirror were only trying comfort and help the two women. Either way, the women did end up learning there was indeed something wrong and they both come to their own conclusion of their problems in their own ways My thoughts are that the women were trying too express their true selves, but while they were trying to carry this out they felt as if something was wrong. The people around them told the women that everything was ok and the women simply accepted this.

They did not even try to reject the idea that they were “fine,” There is a sense of pure agitation from the main characters in the poem, as well as the characters in the story, and also the MiDi from the article. The women are agitated with their societies and the roles they’ve been stuck in. They are also agitated at “men” because as much as they try to understand the women> they cannot succeed in understanding the difficult experiences these women are going through John, a pawn in society, really does not understand what postpartum depression is doing to her mind. The mirror is in one solitary place, so how could he even began to understand what the woman in his life experiences day to day he can‘t be there whenever life is throwing her another fastball, John and the mirror are agitated as well because they try to be by the sides of the women, but they are unsuccessful in trying to keep their women well.

They want the best for the women, but truly cause the downfall of the women by “smothering” them. The MD, from the article is agitated simply because he presumes that stories such as Stetson‘s piece should not be allowed to be published simply because he thinks of it as bad influence on the women who actually have the same problem as the woman in Stetson’s piece. He suggests that women with this same problem will think the only way to solve their problems is to become mentally insanei. Basically to summarize, the men in my opinion were not intentionally trying to “cage up the women, but instead were trapped in their own societies. The men were just trying the help the women the best they knew how, but werejust mainly distractions to the women. To be honest, the men were not really the ones trapping the women.

It you look at it closer, the main culprit was society because the men were just the products of society. The women needed a way to express themselves since they felt trapped by the set standards of society. The woman, in Stetson’s piece, ripping the paper off of the walls was an example of symbolism because she told her husband John that he could never trap her in that paper ever again. The paper in this case was like chains that society had placed her in and she was breaking free. All in all, women were supposed to be secondary to the men to only have two roles in life, but the women were searching for something more in their societies. The women in these two pieces were brave to search for their true selves even though there were women who didn’t realize that women in society could be so much more then just a wife or mother.

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A Study of Women’s Role in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Stetson and The Mirror by Sylvia Plath. (2023, Apr 13). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-study-of-womens-role-in-the-yellow-wallpaper-by-charlotte-perkins-stetson-and-the-mirror-by-sylvia-plath/

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