Why Sports Affect Kids Positively 

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Sports can do many wonders for kids if they use it to the best of their abilities and don’t take them for granted and are willing to put the time and effort into dedicating themselves to them. Sports can impact kids’ lives in tremendous amounts of ways such as, education, keeping them out of trouble, and learning how to build their character and social skills.

Education plays the biggest role in children playing sports because the most school will not allow a kid or student to play a sport if they aren’t keeping their grades above a certain grade point average, which really cracks down on kids who aren’t putting any effort into the classroom and their education. Parents can also enforce this issue because outside of school sports programs are where all the exposed and fun are like traveling and team bonding and if you are a parent and really enforce education and getting good grades being a student-athlete, you should want to do your best in the classroom, so you can experience opportunities sports can bring to you. Another big upside of kids playing sports is that once you get a certain age you are now eligible for colleges to contact you about their interest in you to come and play for their sports program. If a kid is talented and fortunate enough to have colleges contacting them and knocking at their door the financial issue come into play by being offered a full-ride scholarship by the school to come to play for their sports program, this is truly one of the best ways to go because of know as a student you and your family don’t have to worry about school financing and the hardships of paying back student loans.

Kids who play sports tend to have a busy life and don’t really have time for other outside activities because they are balancing school and sports in their every day lives. This keeps kids off the streets and keeps them doing something productive and making something out of themselves, in a way helping them hide from how harsh the outside world is because it is very easy to fall on the wrong path. Staying out of trouble only really benefits the kids because they would rather have fun enjoying whatever sport they are playing than to get into some trouble and aren’t allowed to have fun and experience what sports have to offer.

Playing a sport can build kids’ character in so many ways such as learning to become a leader, a team player, confidence, self-discipline, and being optimistic. You gain leadership by enforcing a task on a group of people which happens in a team effort someone is going to have to come up with a plan to lead their team in the right direction, you get the team player aspect from it just simply working within a group like the old saying “there is no I in team”. Self-discipline comes from having a task to complete which helps them set their mind to achieve the greatest outcome. Social skills are also instilled into kids who play sports by having them communicate within a team just point blank helps them socially with others because they are used to being so talkative with multiple people.

These three reasons, education, staying out of trouble, and building character and social skills are some of the key points in why sports affect kids positively.


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Why Sports Affect Kids Positively . (2020, Sep 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/why-sports-affect-kids-positively/

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