Why I Interested about the MBA Program

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My interest for the MBA program began when I became the primary caretaker for my maternal grandmother. I was currently enrolled at my local technical college. I went on to pursue my undergraduate degree. I dedicated 16 years of my life to care for my grandmother. I didn’t realize how much it would change my life. Through my journey of being my grandmother’s primary caretaker; I’ve learned to have empathy for everyone, I’ve learned to have patience, I’ve learned to have compassion for everyone and I’ve learned not to be judgemental, also I’ve learned the true meaning to love unconditionally. I realized how passionate I was about helping people. I completed my undergraduate degree in 2017 and my grandmother passed away in 2018. I pursued my master’s degree in Criminal Justice; however I still had the desire to pursue an MBA. After finishing my MBA, my short -term goal is to work as Health Services Manager.

I want to earn an MBA to gain knowledge and the skills I’ll need to ultimately fulfill my desire for my short-term and long-term goals. To attain my long-term and short-term objectives; I will have to have a lot more knowledge about the current progress and designs in business administration. An MBA will award me logical knowledge, an awareness of businesslike perceptions assisting in administrative and executive intelligence to admit me to extend knowledge on the important operations of business administration. Another field of importance to my objectives is leadership development. An MBA will present me with the ability to comprehend the function of leadership as part of a business. I am really excited to study the MBA program at Albany State University to further my personal and business progression. The knowledge would expand my familiarity of my career plans to become a Human Services Manager.

However, while I’m achieving my aspirations by pursuing an MBA at Albany State University, I’m also looking forward to giving back in the same manner. The MBA program at Albany State University definitely goes hand in hand with my long-term and short-term objectives; and I am enthusiastic to accomplish this knowledge. Also, I will be acquiring the affirmation and self-confidence to achieve business and personal objectives. Earning an MBA will assist me to correspond more efficiently in business settings- an outstanding and admired skill in all industries world wide. As an MBA graduate I could either work as part of a team or work independently. There are countless benefits to earning an MBA.

My long-term goal is owning my own home health care business. The home health industry is a large and extensive business which could interpret contrasting things to different people. For many, the name includes both skilled home health care and also non-medical home health care. Non-medical home health care includes helping with everyday livelihood exercises/tasks very usually for the elderly who desire to live in their own homes. This assistance can consist of making meals, cleaning the house, and providing transportation for the client. Skilled home health care, to the contrary, includes nursing or healing assistance administered in the client’s own residence which would commonly be administered in a hospital or medical setting. Wanting to start my own health care business was a no-brainer for me. I am someone who wants to inspire, have a positive effect on others’ lives and also be a valuable part of the health care operation. I’m aware that there is a lot to consider when opening a home health care business.

The question that comes to mind first, should I start from the ground up, should I purchase a business that is already in existence, or should I go with a franchise. Starting my home health care business from the ground up would be beneficial because I could devise the business that I desire and prefer. If I decide to go this route of starting my business from ground up, I’ll have to be the one to market myself, and establish my brand, because I wouldn’t have an existing one to rely on. The alternative to buy a business that is already in operation, I will have everything already accessible, this in terms means that the business would already be functioning.

The main dissimilarities is that the already functional home health care business will already have clients, considering with me buying a franchise, I’ll have to build my clientele. If I decide to buy a franchise business, I would have the means that I need to administer my home health care business, containing technology, in addition to the benefit of an organized trademark to expand from. With buying a franchise there will be no need for me to put in as much time building up my business and looking for the fundamental authorizations, acquiring policies, or building my brand or trademark-it will already be done for me.

One of the drawbacks of opening my home health care business from a franchise perspective is that I’ll probably need to provide a generous amount of money forthright. And I would still need to bring in clients and establish clientele. Also franchise ownership restrictes my ability in the way I could operate my business. I would have to adhere to the corporate policies and protocols, or I would compromise losing my franchise. However, purchasing an already functioning home health care business could result in me purchasing the previous business owner’s issues.

One of the advantageous ways for me to have or preserve clients and get recommendations from medical or paramedical professionals would be to develop a name for myself known for administering remarkably efficient, qualified, and skilled home health services in an amiable practice. Impressive marketing planning is important for acquiring clients. Selecting the correct home health care business is just the initial start in my journey to owning my own home health care business. However, doing extensive research and analyzing all of my alternatives will determine the success of my home health care business. In my conclusion, I believe obtaining an MBA from Albany State will be a great experience.


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Why I Interested about the MBA Program. (2021, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/why-i-interested-about-the-mba-program/

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