What is the Force From Star Wars Films?

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”May the Force be with you,“ Through his Star Wars films, director George Lucas immortalized this benediction in American culture, Originally released in 1977 by 20‘“ Century Fox, the first film in the series, Star Wars, was followed by two sequels in 1980 and 1983‘ Over a decade later, a prequel trilogy of films was released between 1999 and 2005‘ All six films were nominated for or won Academy Awards, and have become legendary box office successesiStar Wars is the fifth-highest grossing film series Obviously, Star Wars was not just a cinematic success, but is an American classic today. Woven throughout these legendary movies, however, is a subtle, yet oft-repeated message: The Force is the universe‘s all-powerful guide, What exactly is the Force? From the very beginning, Jedi masters Qui—Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with the Jedi Council explicitly credit their abilities and insight to this mysterious power, Experienced Jedi, Sith, and other disciples are not only able to manipulate the Force to levitate objects, perform telekinesis, control the minds of the “weak-minded,” and even choke enemies, but are also able to sense tremors in the Force and feel into present and future circumstances.

In the original Star Wars film, Obi-Wan Kenobi explains to Luke Skywalker: “The Force is what gives a Jedi his poweri It’s an energy field created by all living things It surrounds and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy togetherl” The Force, then, is like an omnipotent, impersonal god that permeates the universe. Indeed, this belief in an all-pervading Force is not original to Star Wars, or even to 21- 87, a 1963 abstract film that inspired Lucas’ theme of the Force On the contrary, a belief in a pantheistic energy is deep-rooted many Eastern religions Generally, believers in pantheism hold that the impersonal god is inseparably intertwined with the universe Man‘s ultimate goal is to discover and use this Force until he is divinely united with it.

As implied in Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, this Force has a balance between good and evil, much like the yin and yang in Chinese philosophy. Men must learn to live with and achieve this harmony as they seek divine unityi In the 19705, a resurgence in mystic, esoteric religions—hereafter termed the New Age movement—gained traction in England, After Lucas’ release of the original three Star Wars episodes between 1977 and 1983, the New Age movement gained immense popularity in the United States as well. Notwithstanding the fact that Star Wars is science fiction, New Age belief in a Force has proven to be appealing even to mainstream Christians, some of whom have likened the Force to the Holy Spirit, This error is egregious. Unlike the Force, the Holy Spirit, as the Bible reveals, is a personal being, a member of the holy Trinity.

The Holy Spirit is every believer‘s Counselor and Comforter, but believers do not learn to “use” the Holy Spirit; rather, believers learn to love, listen to, and partner with the Holy Spirit as they walk according to the Lord‘s wayst Additionally, the Trinity is both immanent and transcendent at the same time. Unlike a cosmic energy flowing through the universe, the Trinity is not contained within its own creation, but God in his sovereignty sustains this universe through his omnipotence Instead of existing in a never-ending struggle and balance between good and evil, Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, through the cross having triumphed once and for allover darkness Believers live from a standpoint of victory, looking forward to a day with no more pain and no more sorrow, when death will be abolished forever.

Star Wars continues to capture the fantasy of Americans young and old today. Although New Ageism is still well known today, Christians understand that God is not, in the least, an all-powerful Force directing the universe. He is a personal, yet infinite God, a loving Father who sent his Son to save mankind and the Holy Spirit to guide his children Star Wars may have been a 20m century blockbuster, but the Holy Bible is, and always will be, the best- selling book of all time. Much older than the Jedi farewell, “May the Force be with you,” is the blessing Paul penned to the Corinthian church: “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all”.

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What is the Force From Star Wars Films?. (2023, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/what-is-the-force-from-star-wars-films/

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