The Ups and Downs of the 1920s in The Great Gatsby, a Novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a captivating novel highlighting both the ups and downs of the 19205, While there are many differing opinions on whether or not the movie also adequately captivated this decade, there is a great deal of evidence to prove that it does in some ways and doesn’t in others. In regards to characterization and the depiction of symbolism, it is stunningly accurate. However, details such as Nick’s narration site and the general score to the film, and props, were questionable. The movie’s characterization of Gatsby was entirely accurate. Gatsby never reveals himself in his entirety, and this trait is well depicted in Leonardo DiCaprio‘s re-creation, He lies to Nick at their lunch meeting about his prior life and also does so in the novel (Pg. 90), Nick loses his “zest” for life throughout the movie He even quotes the novel directly through the line, “I just remembered; today is my birthday.”

Symbolism in both works was also very similar. The green light that Gatsby uses to symbolize Daisy also aligns with the movie. The green light is not seen or mentioned nearly as often in the film, but it still achieves the purpose of a close but fleeting dream that Gatsby wished to acquire. It was especially effective when the light dimmed as the movie came to a close. The film, while still capturing Nick’s encroaching solemnity, takes a slight turn from the novelt The character is placed in a psychiatrists’ office, a concept never mentioned in the book. For the film’s nature, this transition is effective However, had it been in the book, it would not have been as powerful, Nick became more personable in the novel with introducing himself directly and stating himself an an “Honest man.” This type of personal interaction is difficult to achieve across the camera and therefore, the transitions made by the filmmakers were beneficial.

The score to the film is an animal all its own. While the novel doesn’t come equipped with a soundtrack, history has a pretty detailed record of music from the 19205, and what was played in the movie simply wasn’t that. The party music emulated that of a modern day gathering, There was little to no jazz, which was “pop” in the twenties. With synthesizers in every measure and bare remnants of the musical patterns from this era, it was a distraction from the time period and made the parties much more difficult to analyze and compare, The movie also didn‘t quite hit the bullseye. For example, the trumpets used in the parties and on the fire escape when Tom hit Myrtle were not conducive to the time period.

Many horns in this day would have a trigger on the tuning slide allowing the horn to change from the key of Bb to the key of A. The movie contains only a modern-day Bb trumpet, disregarding the characteristics of the time period, Though the book and the movie obviously differ, a majority of the differences are purely semantics that only matter if the audience is intentionally searching for mistakes, As far as the areas of characterization and symbolism recreation are concerned, the novel and the book line up rather well, The only massive flaws regarded issues of time period, but they didn’t involve the general plot line of the book All in all, the adaptation was indubitably accurate.

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The Ups and Downs of the 1920s in The Great Gatsby, a Novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. (2023, Jun 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-ups-and-downs-of-the-1920s-in-the-great-gatsby-a-novel-by-f-scott-fitzgerald/

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