The Different Kinds of Symbolism in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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The Great Gatsby by E. Scott Fitzgerald is filled with symbolism of every Kind. Light and dark play a large role in the development of Ihe Great Gatsby. There are also a great deal of time references. Time is used to show things that go beyond what is apparent in The Great Gatsby. This all helps to develop the characters. ithout symbolism like this the message of the book would be a mystery. Symbolism makes a book easier to igure Out. In The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald the colors white, green, and gold are used as a tool to develop plot and character. The color white is Daisys color In The Great Gatsby. It represents purty.

White is a pure color, the color of innocence. White is the color of snow and pearls. Wedding ceremonies have white to show virgin purity. White is a very significant religious color that is worn at Christmas and at Easter to celebrate Chnst who made us pure and took away Our sins. vwhite is the color of purity. Daisy IS not a very pure perSon, but she wants be appear pure. In order to make herself seem pure she drives a white car and dresses in white. “She [Daisy] dressed in white, and had a litte white roadster” (P. 75) She also dresses her daughter in white. Even in Daisys name we see white. The Daisy is a white and yellow flower. Daisy also often became physically white. “His [Gatsbys] heart beat faster and faster as Daisys white face came up to his own.” (p. 112) It is obvious that Daisy is a very white character. AS tar as purity goes Daisy spends a great deal of time trying to appear pure with her white possessions.

Perhaps she is pure to some extent but she is, at least, undoubtedly white. Green is Gatsbys color in the Great Gatsby. Green is a symbol of new wealth and life. In the Christian faith green shoOWs life. Green symbolizes new birth in the spring time with little trees and budding leaves. Gatsby is trying to Iive life but he cannot because he is hampered by his unbearable desire to be with Daisy. His optimal ife is a difticult goal to achieve because of his inexperience with money. Because his money is new he does not really understand how to act with it. His wild parties are a symptom of this. The green light that he sees at the end of Daisys dock is what he wishes were his. It is all part of the life he cannot have but he wishes he could. “You [Daisy] always have a green light that burns at the end of your dock:” (p. 94) Said Gatsby. Gatsby had a car with a green leather interior too, “He felt the hot green leather of the seat.” (p.121) When Michaelis was first describirng the death vehicle to the police he thought it was green. -he first told the police man that is was light green.” (p. 138)

Weather green is the color of new money. the color of an unattainable life to Gatsby, or maybe even the color of envy Gatsby feels, green is certainly a signiticant color in The Great Gatsby. Gold and yellow are colors that show old wealth. The green and the gold contrast in a significant way. In old times’ people used gold as a means Tor excharnge but as a national Currency was established green money replaced the gold and gold no longer even backed the dollar. So, gold is the old and green is the new. In the same way, gold represents Daisy and Toms old money and green represents Gatsbys new money. One might say that Gatsby Is green. To contrast this Tom is gold. In the same way that green and gold contrast so do Gatsby and Tom. Jordan, and Dasy are represented by gold. “Jordans slender golden arm resting in mine” (p. 142) “high in the white palace the kings daughter, the golden gir”(p. 120)

In this the golden girl is, of course daisy. Gatsby wants to be rich with old money so he can win the affection on his true love so he bought a yellow car. “It was a yellow car.” (p.141) But it did not fool anyone, Gatsby did not have old wealth. The colors white, green, and gold are used to develop specific characters and the plot of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Other colors are also used in the novel. Purple is used in many instances. It is often the color of fabric and may suggest royalty. Blue is also used and may represent hope. Gatsby has a blue lawn and a blue chauffeur. Black and white are also color that show up rather trequently. Ihey may emphasiZe differences or show evil verses good. The Great Gatsby is a book of many colors.

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The Different Kinds of Symbolism in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. (2023, Mar 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-different-kinds-of-symbolism-in-the-great-gatsby-by-f-scott-fitzgerald/

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