The Best World Coffee Company

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Costa coffee is a multinational coffee company whose headquarters are located in Dunstable , England , United Kingdom. This company was founded by Costa family in 1971. They basically deal in supplying coffee to caterers and Italian coffee shops.


While doing Planning company’s internal performance is considered .External issues are also determined that might have a negative impact on the company. Their mission is to save the world from mediocre coffee. Leaving a positive expression that lasts for a longer period is their ultimate goal. Their objective is to expand the market outside UK.


The company is following the functional organisation and is related to line organisation. Their structure is also Bureaucratic and hence their response to changes are slow and are inflexible. Role and scope of each and every department are well defined and differentiated.


Various training and development programs are organised by Costa Coffee that helps in improving their capabilities and skills. In Job specification experienced retail mangers are provided with a great opportunity in Costa Coffee within the healthcare sites and a salary of Euros 500k p.a. Those persons are recruited that are having the leadership, coaching , collaboration ,influencing, communication and strategic skills.


Managers are result oriented and they adapt themselves as per the leading situation.It is having the ability to lead others and thus helps in achieving the results. Language used in Costa coffee is clearly defined and communication takes place without any hurdle. Due to their leadership function employees listen to their managers , thus employees feel motivated and increases their morale.


Competencies lists are used to evaluate the existing mangers. While finding out the deviations several changes are made in their processes like switching equipment are kept off until the roasting of coffee beans are roasted thus it cut down its energy use by 16%.it was thus because of the controlling function that wastage of energy got detected and its corrective action was taken.


Starbucks company is the most famous American coffee chain which was founded in Washington, US in 1971.Over the decades it is working very successfully. Currently it is serving more than 50 millions of people in around 50 countries. They are the specialists of coffee and believe in serving the highly standardized and best quality coffee that is why it is very expensive.


Its mission is to nurture and inspire the human spirit- one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time. In Starbucks planning begins with its clearly defined mission statement. Their strategy includes site selection, design and creative concepts for their stores. Because it is a global brand therefore planning occurs at corporate level head quarters and specific stores level.


Starbucks is organised by top management followed by various business units like digital ventures. The ultimate authority retains in the hands of Chief Executive Officer only. And after CEO there are other two managers where one of them is responsible for Starbucks US and other one is for Starbucks Coffee International .Because of Global presence it is impossible for the employees to build a direct contact with the senior most managers.


An open process takes place having competitive selection which helps in choosing the most qualified persons. It does recruitment without any kind of discrimination. The same policy applies for promotion, transfers, compensation and terminal benefits. Team work is their strength which even helps in motivating the employees.


Starbucks leaders act as the transformational leaders who values change in employees.This helps the organisation to have a environment friendly practices. Its motivation is to create the best coffee and hence employees and the company work really hard to make freshly roasted coffee. Schults the owner acts as the leader and inspires many and believes that company can make profit by providing the best to the customers.


Control mechanisms are governance principles., committee policies and charters. Compliance to strategic objectives are ensured through performance reviews done on all stores and regions. Earlier they had some principles like refusing to enter supermarket but they realised that they are losing their chance to extend its brand hence corrective action was taken by making Starbucks entry into the supermarket in1997.


Café Coffee Day is the most famous coffee company. It is owned by Coffee Day global limited. It was founded in 1996 having its headquarters in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Around 1.8 Billion cups of coffee are served annually in six countries. Their Vision is “ To be the best café chain in country by offering world class coffee experience at affordable prices.


Their main plan is to expand their chain overseas.by recently setting up a subsidiary in Vienna a franchise operation in Pakistan , they are expecting to vend the brand through departmental stores. They are focusing on becoming the No.1 service sector by providing quality services at reasonable prices to the customers. They are planning to create their own coffee mugs and cookies .


The type of organisation followed by CCD is Centralisation. Authority remains in the hands of upper levels and they specify all the rules and targets clearly and without any ambiguity. But employees are allowed to give their ideas. Café manager is having a full command on his juniors who in return are responsible and answerable to them for their performance.


In house training enables the workers to move to next levels with highly active internal promotion process. Job rotation takes place helps them to get knowledge about different facts of café operations. As the people are considered most important asset hence the recruitment is done very strictly and accordingly wages are paid.

LEADING: Along with the huge incentive programs a large lot of rewards are also provided and offered along with access to gift certificates and merchandise. This helps in motivating the existing employees working in the company. The leader coordinates day to day or routine management operations and provide superior services to provide maximum customer satisfaction.


CCD being a youth oriented brand is not having much strength and power to retain its brand loyalty thus they started taking complaints from the customers. To track the key parameters systematically peripheral vision system is used in turn its interpretations of trends helps in reducing the vulnerabilities. When the targets didn’t meet the objectives set then they realised the need of take away. Therefore a proper control system is there to ensure that they deliver a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

Cite this paper

The Best World Coffee Company. (2020, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-best-world-coffee-company/



What are the top 5 coffee companies?
Largest Coffee Companies in the World in 2021 Caffe Ritazza, Owned by SSP Group. Coffee Beanery. Caffe Nero. Caribou Coffee. Dutch Bros. Peet's Coffee. Lavazza. Gloria Jean's Coffees. Founded in 1979 in Australia, Gloria Jean's Coffees is one of the biggest coffee companies in the world.
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The best coffee in the world is from Ethiopia. The coffee beans from this country are known for their unique flavor profile.
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