Six Common Foods That Are Safe To Share With Your Cat

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As many feline owners can tell you, cats can be some of the most finicky eaters around. More often than not they will turn their nose up at dry food, and do all they can to hold out for canned commercial cat food. However, did you realize there are actually certain foods, that we humans eat, that are beneficial and healthy for cats? Actually, you might be very surprised to find out just which ones can be fed to your companion.


A choice of many cat foods today, spinach is chock full of healthy nutrients for your companion. With nutritional ingredients including vitamin A, C, and vitamin K as well as the healthy minerals of iron and calcium, spinach is a very good choice to consider as an addition to your cat’s diet. However, if your cat suffers from recurring calcium oxalate bladder stones, then they should not eat spinach.


Cats have had a long-standing love affair with fish—the smellier the better. This may be one of the main reasons why salmon is another commonly used primary ingredient in most commercial cat food choices on the market. Salmon is not only an excellent source of protein but also contains omega-3 fatty acids as well. Keep in mind if you choose to feed your cat salmon, unlike other types of cat-friendly human food, salmon does need to be cooked.


A common human food and a staple of most any household is the everyday egg. Eggs have so many nutritional benefits, including not only protein but also the crucial B vitamins. Eggs are a safe food to feed to your cat, however, you will need to cook the eggs first. This is to prevent any risk of those dreaded foodborne diseases that might cause illness.


Cantaloupes are chock full of antioxidants, and much as they do in humans can help your cat lead a healthy, illness free life. They are also loaded with beta-carotene, which helps in the management of a healthy skin as well as healthy eyes. In fact, cantaloupes are one of the few safe fruits that you can feed your cat.


Cats are carnivores by nature, and as such require the inclusion of meats in their diet to maintain good health. Chicken is a meat, so it is a very good source of the much-needed protein your cat will need. If you decide to feed chicken to your cat, make sure it is cooked through thoroughly, and the fatty skin removed before serving.


Another one of the few fruits that can be beneficial to your cat is bananas. They are a great source of potassium as well as soluble fiber. Keep in mind, that with any human type food you feed your cat, it should not make up more than ten percent of the daily calories your cat consumes.

The next time you want to share a treat or a favorite food with your cat, just take one from this list and you should be fine. Keeping our companions safe and healthy is the goal of all pet owners, so that we may continue to enjoy our pets company for a long, long time to come.

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Six Common Foods That Are Safe To Share With Your Cat. (2021, Jun 21). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/six-common-foods-that-are-safe-to-share-with-your-cat/

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