Short Story The Dead by James Joyce Summary

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“The Dead” by James Joyce is the emotional short story which involve the different idea and method of modernist techniques and stream-of-consciousness. The common thing about the stories is that the main character is facing conflict in different circumstance. Throughout the reading, the three different author uses the subject to express the depression, loss, jealousy and loneliness. “The Management of grief” explain the story, and its different stages how the culture effects the people who are living outside and within India.

“The Dead” by James Joyce, moves through different style where pattern of the story circulate from simple to complex. The stories are presented from the third person point of view.

The story emphasizes the regular observation of day to day life on an individual and how something usual things become social construct. “The dead” is the stories that take place in Ireland where two main character Gabriel and his wife Gretta attend the Christmas party at aunts’ home. In first transits of the story, is Everything seems to be joyful, the music joined by the dance moves. after the moment, all the guest who attend the party, had a conversation that moves around the topic like religious and cultural issue, local incidents, political matters, theater and music.

Whereas some guest recites a poem while another sings a song. The surrounding of the story passes from eternal to internal. Gabriel’s sentiments and idea as he talks with the people, and he thank his cousin and his aunt with his speech. Second part of the story is a transformation, as the invited guest left the house, Gretta stand and start listening someone singing the song “the lass of Augh rim” (Irish song). As Gabriel watches and notice his graceful wife and think as if he was painter and would have paint her and give the name “distant music” for his painting. For the certain time he thinks about their secret intimacy.

The last transformation take place in the hotel as Gabriel want to feel closeness and want to make love with his wife. Later, the song “the lass of Aughrim” remind her Michael Furey, who was her lover and would use to sing for her. Gabriel feel lost and ashamed as his wife was thinking about her ex-lover and beings to seem himself as a foolish and stupid person.

Rather that hatred and aggressive get in his way, perhaps he gets jealous and devastated of not able to make love with her and experience the same love. At the end where “snow was general all over Ireland” represent as death and over of life. “The Dead” explain about the Gabriel point of view which absorb he entire story, for the first three transit of it, certainly changes in point of view of Gretta whereas at the end of story we are force as a reader to change our view about what we feel about Gabriel.

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Short Story The Dead by James Joyce Summary. (2021, Feb 28). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/short-story-the-dead-by-james-joyce/

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