Shield of Achilles in Iliad

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In The Iliad, Homer introduces the Shield of Achilles which paints a picture of life. The shield is derived by the poetic invention, and is a wonder of superlative craftsmanship, unlike anything known to the modern age. The shield plays the important role of portraying the larger story of The Iliad, and providing further knowledge regarding the Trojan War.

Homer characterizes the shield by inevitability. The shield is a canvas that is painted by the foreshadowing and antecedent of events. The reader can almost picture the shield as a fortune telling ball. In an odd sense, the shield also represents peace and prosperity. It is decorated with depictions of heavens, earth, peace, war, life, and death.

In some sense, the shield is seen as divinity. Homer says, “None had the courage to look straight at it. They were afraid of it (book 19, lines 14 and15).” This is a prime example of the celestial structure of this shield. The men were afraid to observe the shield because of its god-worthy workmanship.

The details and intricates of the shield are first noticed by Achilles. The reader then gets the image of the shield which has layered circles, the center circle representing the universe. The 2nd circle depicts two noble cities of mortal men. In one, there are depictions of human life. On one side, there are weddings, festivals, and celebrations. On the opposite side, there are people two men arguing in the marketplace over the price for a murderer. The marketplace resembles a modern-day courthouse.

The next city is under siege by an invading army. Outside this war, things are peaceful. This portion of the shield shows attack and the bloody battle that ensues. Homer uses this scene to foreshadow Achilles victory over Hektor as well as the humility he causes. Turmoil surrounds both cities, and both cities are tainted with death but somehow manage to house love. Next, Homer depicts happiness and prosperity for the king, who assumes the role of Agamemnon, foreshadowing the Achaians’ victory in Troy.

However a very important detail Homer includes is, “…vineyard heavy with clusters, lovely and in gold, but the grapes were darkened (book 18, lines 61 and 62).” The darker the berry the sweeter the juice. The king has a thriving vineyard and is giving off good and sweet fruit full of happiness and joy This brings forth a festive and joyous mood.

Conclusively, the shield is an instrument of war and symbol of life. It is critical to The Iliad because it shows the scope of human existence. The shield shows what has taken place, along with what’s to come. This very important object forces the reader to absorb and thoroughly examine each event and the relation between war and peace.


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Shield of Achilles in Iliad. (2021, Nov 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/shield-of-achilles-in-iliad/

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