Road Accidents Reasons Reflective Essay

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A road accident is a terrifying incident for a road user. Most of the road accidents caused because of human errors. Causes of accidents can divide into two parts as controllable factors and uncontrollable factors.

Controllable Factors

Controllable factors mean reasons for road accidents which can be controlled by road users by concern about it. The recklessness of the driver, negligence of the driver, indiscipline driving, lack of knowledge about road rules, over speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol, driving after taking medicine are some controllable reasons for road accidents.

Driving under the influence of alcohol

In Sri Lanka, drunk driving is the main reason for road accidents. Police concern about drunk drivers because drunk driving can pose great danger. Road users such as drivers, pedestrians and passengers die or injured because of drunk driving. Usually, alcohol reduces the concentration of the driver. Because of it, drinkers take more time to react to everything. Further, the vision of the drunk person abstracts because of alcohol. Due to these reasons, road accidents may happen.

Reckless driving

Reckless driving means the drivers do not concern about the road signs, signals and laws. Reckless driving accidents happen because of the wrong decisions taken by drivers such as exceed the speed limit, breaks at once without any indication to the following vehicles behind, talking on the phone and texting while driving.

Uncontrollable Factors

Uncontrollable factors mean causes for road accidents that cannot be controlled by road users. Weather conditions, road conditions, lack of skills driving during rains, winds, fog, and mist are some examples of uncontrollable factors.

Weather conditions

Due to the bad weather conditions like fog, mist, snow, heavy rain, motor vehicle accidents can happen. As an example on a heavy rainy day drivers cannot see the road clearly. So drivers should drive very slowly and concern about the other vehicles and pedestrians more than the other days.

Road Conditions

Potholes on the road, erode the roads, speed breakers made by according to the illegal ways, can happen road accidents. When a person drives a vehicle or walks on the road, that person should have good knowledge about the road conditions.


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Road Accidents Reasons Reflective Essay. (2020, Sep 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/road-accidents-reasons/

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