Privacy on the Web

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The growing amount of everyday activities that can be completed on the web creates a growing risk for internet users about the privacy of their private data. Doing things online such as surfing the web banking shopping interacting on social media and any form of online interaction and communication could challenge the privacy of the people because of the alarming rise of the web data leakage particularly when trafficking well known web sites. Individual’s data can be retrieved collected deposited data mined linked shared contracted and possibly traded for a profit and most importantly all completed without permission or consent from the users. The data trails and the digital footpaths left in numerous sites during web surfing permit third party businesses and aggregators to construct digital dossiers of the web users by threatening the confidentiality of their online and real life or personal life and bringing up plenty of thought-provoking privacy problems and scenarios.


The web’s characteristically open nature has led to circumstances in which people and groups or organizations exploit the weaknesses of web-based services and applications to obtain secret or personal data. Unauthorized access is the outcome of poor internet security. An often method of these accesses happens when foreign organizations or individuals breach people’s computers. An example of this is hacking. The cost usually involves leaking of secret and private and personal data to unauthorized audiences. The costs are significantly vital when the attack’s target is a system holding private data about groups of people.

Data magnets are methods and tools that anybody can use to gather private information. Individuals may not be conscious of the fact that their data is being gathered or do not understand how that data is collected. Several data-magnet methods exist a few are; software downloads web beacons Trojan horses screen scraping and cookies. The main technology for gathering data on a person’s traffic over the web has been the web cookie. Web cookies can be split up into two different types: session and persistent. The session cookies only last while the browser is in session with the server. However persistent cookies are kept on the hard drive of the client computer until they reach an expiration date or are erased.


Solutions to issues with privacy on the web can be split into two categories technology enabled solutions and regulation enabled solutions. Technology enabled solutions consists of client-based solutions server-based solutions and client-server-based solutions. Client based solutions focus on privacy features pertinent to individual users. Securing private information kept on a personal device protecting email addresses removing any footprints of web access and concealing web browsers actual identities are all examples of client-based solutions. Server based solutions focus on features of web security relevant to large groups or businesses such as organizations and government agencies. You might install a server-based preserving solution to protect company’s customer files or accounts. The security of private information in these solutions is a result of strong security devices usually used in large groups.

Virtual private networks or VPNs and firewalls are two tools that have been mostly effective in shielding security and privacy at a business wide scale. VPNs are safe and protected virtual networks constructed on top of the internet. VPNs normally use numerous security methods like encryption authentication and digital certificates and are frequently used in combination with firewalls to give more rigorous levels of security and privacy on the web. In client-server-based solutions clients and servers work together to attain a certain set of privacy standards with negotiation-based solutions and encryption-based solutions. Negotiation-based solutions use a procedure where both the web client and server agree. Implementing security and privacy via a negotiated privacy policy is a feasible and real option only when the negotiation procedure is automated.

Encryption based solutions encrypt the data transferred amongst two or more Web host so that only authentic receivers can decrypt it. Individuals using the web might use encryption in various Web scenarios and to implement numerous privacy necessities and standards. As mentioned earlier there are not many complete regulations focusing on the Web privacy and security issues, self-control and self-discipline have to be an alternate method picked up by numerous Web based companies. This naturally displays itself via privacy statement that organizations post on their Web sites. In the United States the lawmaking tactic to securing privacy is responsive and not grounded on a national privacy strategy. Majority of privacy associated laws were passed in reaction to certain events or necessities for a precise business.


Cybersecurity focuses on protecting information by preventing detecting and responding to attacks. As a strategy it encompasses the body of technologies processes and practices designed to protect networks computers programs and data from attack damage or unauthorized access. There is no real possibility of achieving total complete security against threats by implementing any one collection of security solutions. This security practice is about multiple types of security measures each protecting against a different course for attack.


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Privacy on the Web. (2021, Oct 04). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/privacy-on-the-web/

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