Positive Impacts of Exercising for Well-Being

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With the multitude of diseases linked to a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, exercising to achieve better mindfulness is something that is worth learning more about. As early as primary school, children are introduced to simple exercises and eating healthy, and a constant reminder of the need to do both is something one has to live with for years. Adulthood begs for a more committed exercising that is not just a chore, but rather a part of one’s journey to mindfulness. As such, this essay explores more on the positive impacts of exercising in one’s life no matter stage in life he is in.

To begin with, Carrel, Clark and Petterson et al. (2005) zeroed in on a school-based exercise program and assessed whether it can improve “body composition, cardiovascular fitness level, and insulin sensitivity in overweight children.”  Results showed that children exhibited body loss, increased levels of cardiovascular fitness, improvement in fasting when they participate in a gym class that has heavy fitness activities. Consequently, the study highlighted that with the success of fitness-oriented gym class, it is critical to have a collaboration between the school and parents to create positive changes in children’s environment. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that such program helps address childhood obesity, which could lead to adult obesity, and both affect the well-being of an individual.

Second, Saadot, Molagh, Alamdari (2018) also shed light on exercising, specifically aerobics, on subjective well-being. They focused on high school girls as participants who went through six weeks of aerobic exercise. After analyzing data obtained, the study revealed how this type of exercise positively influences the well-being of students mentally. The case of the students also attest how exercise can reduce stress and anxiety and be in a group is something that makes this effect much more evident.

Third, focusing on young population, Carter, Callaghan, Khalil, and Morres (2012) looked into how young people with depression respond to preferred intensity exercise program. While there are guidelines on how people can have a healthy lifestyle, the same standards cannot be applied to people suffering from mental health difficulties, which is why the authors focused on participants’ preferred intensity when exercising. As the study found a positive influence on young people’s mental health, the study brings to light the importance of having policymakers on board to address social issues. This shows how a population with mental health difficulties should have personalized exercise or physical activity program to benefit in the long run.

Fourth, using a much larger age group, McGale McArdle and Gaffney (2011) examined integrated exercise and cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention on young men’s health. Using data from over a hundred sedentary males aged 18 to 40 years old in terms of their participation in team sports and aerobic exercises, those who participated scored lower in Beck Depression Inventory – 2nd Edition, which indicates improvement on their mental health.  What the authors found is how effective exercise interventions are in improving the state of young men with depressive symptoms. Essentially, after exercise interventions, participants saw a decline in Back of the Net (BTN) indicator, which is indicative of a greater mental health. The participants also experience greater support during interventions.

Fifth, Calogiuri, Evensen and et al. (2015) emphasized the functionality of exercising to reduce job stress, which in turn can influence mental health. The authors looked into how green-exercise or simply encouraging people to adopt exercise activities as they are exposed to nature could contribute to reducing job stress among municipal employees. What the study uncovered is how compared to indoor exercise, green exercise reduce greater levels of stress and fatigue among employees. As such, workplace today should consider a specific type of exercise in order to improve the mental health of employees.

Sixth, stressing the benefits of physical activity in mental and physical health, Frank and Jason (2005) provided a critical review of studies about the topic. What the authors found about studies is the ability of participants who have physical activity participation is to have a better quality of health and functional capacity no matter what mood they are in. In this sense, exercising is not only for improvement in physical traits but also on how functional one’s mind is.  In fact, the study uncovered how past literature can ameliorate state of depression and thus makes one’s mind better. As such, the authors encouraged effectiveness in promoting exercising to improve populations.

Overall, the literature reviewed in this essay contributes to the claim that exercising can lead to positive changes in one’s well-being. First, learning that interventions, particularly among younger people, can be effective in improving mental functionality and curbing obesity is worth noting in policymaking. Some people would not exercise on their own, thereby making it important to have activities at home and school that encourage physical activities. Second, the studies reviewed bring to light how even adults need exercise activities for them to function better at work and in life in general. All these premises simply point out how exercising should be part of one’s lifestyle in order to have a long-term influence on one’s well-being, be it in a physical or psychological sense. Ultimately, what remains clear in studies reviewed and further reflection is how efforts in embracing a healthy well-being are about a collaborative effort, from the government to schools and organizations, to make exercising one of the tools to reduce anxiety, stress, and other mental difficulties.


  1. Calogiuri, G., Evensen, K., Weydahl, A., Andersson, K., Patil, G., Ihlebæk, C., & Raanaas, R. K. (2015). Green exercise as a workplace intervention to reduce job stress. Results from a pilot study. Work, 53(1), 99-111. doi:10.3233/wor-152219
  2. Carrel, A. L., Clark, R. R., Peterson, S. E., Nemeth, B. A., Sullivan, J., & Allen, D. B. (2005). Improvement of Fitness, Body Composition, and Insulin Sensitivity in Overweight Children in a School-Based Exercise Program. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 159(10), 963. doi:10.1001/archpedi.159.10.963
  3. Carter, T., Callaghan, P., Khalil, E., & Morres, I. (2012). The effectiveness of a preferred intensity exercise programme on the mental health outcomes of young people with depression: A sequential mixed methods evaluation. BMC Public Health, 12(1). doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-187
  4. Mcgale, N., Mcardle, S., & Gaffney, P. (2011). Exploring the effectiveness of an integrated exercise/CBT intervention for young mens mental health. British Journal of Health Psychology, 16(3), 457-471. doi:10.1348/135910710×522734
  5. Penedo, F. J., & Dahn, J. R. (2005). Exercise and well-being: A review of mental and physical health benefits associated with physical activity. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 18(2), 189-193. doi:10.1097/00001504-200503000-00013
  6. Saadat, M., Motlagh, A. H., & Alamdari, A. (2018). Investigating the Role of Aerobic Exercise on Subjective Well-Being among High School Girls in Yasuj High School in 2017. World Family Medicine Journal/Middle East Journal of Family Medicine, 6(1), 250-253. doi:10.5742/mewfm.2018.93223

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Positive Impacts of Exercising for Well-Being. (2022, Feb 20). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/positive-impacts-of-exercising-for-well-being/

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