Oedipus the King by Sophocles Summary

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Throughout the story Oedipus the King imagery is employed frequently in regard to lightness and darkness. When Oedipus sets out to find the killer of Laius, acting heroically to save the kingdom he discovers much more than he ever would have wished for. While interrogating the citizens of Thebes he comes across Tiresias, a blind prophet who represents light.

He is described as a form of light by the chorus when they say, “our god like prophet in whom the truth resides more so than in all other men.” The light in this prophet represents truth and honestly as well as his connection to god. While Tiresias and others represent the light in the play, Oedipus represents darkness through his character, past and most of his actions.

The first notion of Oedipus’ darkness is first uncovered in the first scene when he talks to his plague ridden citizens. Although at the time no one knows this, Oedipus is the darkness that is overshadowing their city.

Towards the end of the play, Sophocles introduces the fight between light and dark as Oedipus, accused of the murder of Laius, begins to argue with anyone who questions his nobility. This scuffle and debate ultimately ends with lightness overcoming the dark as Oedipus is driven to gouging his own eyes out in defeat and surrender.

Not only does Sophocles use abstract Imagery in his play, he also uses vivid descriptions to give a better understanding of the actions of all. This is especially seen after the death of Jocasta; the messenger gives a very vivid description of how she died. “And there we saw the woman hanging by the neck, cradled high in a woven noose, spinning, swinging back and forth.”

Shows just how gruesome and vivid Sophocles could get with his descriptions. Imagery is a very useful literary technique which was used by Sophocles throughout the play to enhance our understanding of the play while also developing abstract themes. The technique would have successfully allowed the audience to picture everything that has happened that they hadn’t necessarily seen which creates a more engaged audience.

Dramatic Irony

Topic Sentence: Sophocles uses Dramatic Irony often throughout the play and it helps allow the audience to understand the play and create a sense of comedic mockery of Oedipus. Dramatic irony is a technique used when the audience knows what the characters don’t and this method of literary is used very frequently throughout the entire play.

The first example of this in the play is the killing of his own father after running away from his unbeknownst to him adopted parents fearing his prophecy. Referring to the killer of his father, Laius, Oedipus says to Creon, “Where on earth are they? Where to find it now, the trail of the ancient guilt so hard to trace?” which just indicates that the information known to us which is that Oedipus is the murderer, is unknown to anyone else including himself.

The repetitive use of dramatic irony relating to the murder creates a comedic mockery of Oedipus as he continues to ridicule himself, “Oh dear gods, my curse on those whoever disobey these orders!” gives the audience a bitter form of humour to laugh about.

Characterisation of Oedipus

Topic Sentence: Sophocles uses many different strategies to assist in depicting Oedipus the king, this is portrayed through speeches he announces and the actions he makes.

Impact of Choral Odes

In the story the chorus plays an important role in giving us extra information of the story and background information on the characters providing a clearer and understandable story.

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Oedipus the King by Sophocles Summary. (2020, Sep 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/oedipus-the-king-by-sophocles/



What are the major themes of Oedipus the King?
The major themes of Oedipus the King include fate and free will, the limits of human knowledge, and the consequences of pride and arrogance. The play also explores the nature of truth and the search for identity.
What is Oedipus the King based on?
Oedipus the King is based on the ancient Greek myth of Oedipus, who was prophesied to kill his father and marry his mother. The play tells the story of Oedipus' efforts to avoid his fate and the tragic consequences that follow.
What is Sophocles message in Oedipus the King?
Sophocles message in Oedipus the King is that hubris can have dire consequences and that one should be careful not to overstep their bounds.
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