New Pool Owners Guide to Manage a Swimming Pool

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Constructing a swimming pool is an amazing way to enhance your outdoor living experience. It adds an extra complimentary factor to your housing dream and an impressive elegant touch to bewitch your guest. Right from the amusing summer parties with your friends to spending a beautiful romantic evening with your partner, having a customized exquisite backyard will build up lots of delightful memories for life. But building and managing a swimming pool can be quite a tricky business, especially if you are a new pool owner. And that being so, below are some tips to manage a new swimming pool for all the budding new pool owners.

Proper Flow of Pool Water

There is a precisely constructed circulating system for every pool. It is performed by a pump which sucks in all the water from the pool and then passes through the filtration system. The water is thoroughly treated and sometimes even heated during the circulating process. This way all the dirt and microorganisms are killed for a safer swimming experience. Ideally, your pump should run a minimum of 8-12 hours a day. Make sure to check up on your pump basket’s cleanliness and a firmly fitted pump lid to avoid any air leak. This way even the chemicals that you have added circulates the water continuously.

Filtration of Pool Water

Filtration is an important part of the circulation process that gradually disinfects and cleans the contaminants of the new swimming pool water. A daily filtration cycle of about 6-9 hours should be conducted to remove all the impurities. Maintaining the sanitation of the filters is a major part of this process as it is the place where all the suspended particles are collected. Algae, bacteria, sand, pleated polyester cartridges are some of the materials that need to be filtered routinely. Deep cleaning of your filter should also be done, once every year.

Sanitation of Pool Water

A customary sanitation process should be conducted to remove all the bacteria, algae that are attached to the ground in the pool. The easiest and the most preferable way is to use chlorine tablets. A chlorine level of 1-2 ppm should be maintained in your swimming pool. Giving periodic shocks to the pool is one of the important parts of the sanitation process. At times, excess chlorine is added to the water which breaks down due to the sun and is unhealthy for the swimmers. Therefore, an optimum level of chlorine should be maintained, primarily 30-50 ppm stabilizer.

All the process should be carried out on a regular basis for enjoying a healthy swimming pool experience. A particular test should be conducted to check the pH level of the water. The test results should be your only conclusion on water cleanliness and not the presence of mere dirt visible to your eye. If the pool water is not kept clean, serious health hazards are most likely to happen. And so, a regular check-up of the new swimming pool should be a mandatory task for all the pool owners out there to enjoy a pleasing pool in your backyard.

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New Pool Owners Guide to Manage a Swimming Pool. (2021, Oct 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/new-pool-owners-guide-to-manage-a-swimming-pool/

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