Management Program For My Interests and Future Goals

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I always set a goal which I dreamed about and then go for it with my full dedication. I am an engineer, Web Designer, Developer, and accomplished Digital Marketer. I want to invent, create, discover, manage and want to explore the possibilities. I have always been taught to pay prime importance to the values of love, peace, and integrity. Education has been the topmost priority for me and to my family. From a very young age my keen interest in algorithms along with a strong liking for computers, and particularly programming, prompted me to take Engineering in Computer Science as my major. During my undergraduate education, I worked on various major projects related to frontend technology PHP, database MySQL, and Core Java. After completing my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering, I worked with Information Technology (IT) companies in ‘Digital Marketing Department’ in India as a Digital Marketer /SEO Analyst & Project Coordinator for approximately 3.5 years and was responsible for managing the Digital Business Leads aspects of the projects.

This opened whole new prospects for me in eCommerce and marketing where I decided to devote my career to deal with studying and optimizing the flow of materials, information and finances. In other words, I have found the Supply Chain Management program will be the most suitable for my interests and future goals. After that, I started looking for universities that are offering that course, so I found Thompson Rivers University which is offering the two-year Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Supply Chain Management. Having an engineering degree is incredible for any analytics-oriented field along with supply chain Management. After my graduation, I experienced strategies and advanced skills in Lead Generation, Digital Marketing, E-commerce websites, and applications which got my interest in the e-commerce business. As a digital marketer working in a manufacturer and supplier company dealing globally, found myself learning more about the supply chain. All the manufacturing, distribution, and logistics companies are using computer-based systems for the supply chain.

A highly integrated program, from which I will acquire knowledge and understanding of supply chain Management as I am confident to graduate with good grades. Here are the some of the courses I really like to pursue which is going to further polish my skills: Management Information Systems (MIST 2610), Logistics and Transportation (SCMN 4320), Business-to-Business Marketing (MKTG 4490), International Business (IBUS 3510), and Web-Enabled Business (MIST 3620). I have studied the basics but these advance courses will flourish in my Marketing and e-commerce skills in Supply Chain Management. It’s a great opportunity for me to learn how a product-based company despite gaining customers digitally, expand its businesses with supply chain management. A Post Bachelorette Program at SCM becomes essential towards achieving critical goals at this juncture of my career.

I decided to do a Post-graduate program in Supply Chain Management at TRU as the learnings and outcomes of finishing the program like Strong knowledge of both analytical problems solving and change management leadership, logistics and supply chain management careers in manufacturing, consulting, and software development organizations. Knowledge of latest Business-to-Business Marketing and web technologies that includes hardware and software for developing and hosting websites. After researching a lot on various Universities, I short-listed few which offer the required coursework. Thomson River University with its multicultural environment takes the top spot on my list. This University is the best amongst all in providing quality of Knowledge. With TRU, I will learn to be a self-directed professional, confident and competent in engaging with projects and initiatives on a local and regional scale. Above all, with a perfect blend of experienced faculty and exceptional coursework aimed at providing practical skills, I am sure the Thomson River University is one which fits into all my criteria. With my cultural and ethical values, and my desire to study in a global environment, I am sure I will give my best to society.

Canada’s institutes maintain high standards of academic excellence and are consistently recognized in top international rankings. Moreover, the college strategic location in Canada supports this point of view. Also, Canada is the safe and welcoming country with one of the highest standards of living in the world. So, I finalized Canada for my further study. After finishing the course in Supply Chain Management, my plan is to return to my country and to work with any eCommerce multi-national company like Amazon, Alibaba, Walmart, and implement the things I learned in the program. As I have gained work experience in digital marketing, so the knowledge and skill from the institute will help me in building a career in Logistics Management, Process Management, Network Planning, Warehousing & Distribution positions in the company and (will help me to grow to senior management positions in the company.) The Supply Chain Management program at TRU will provide me the significant opportunities for my professional and personal development.

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Management Program For My Interests and Future Goals. (2022, Aug 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/management-program-for-my-interests-and-future-goals/

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