Love and Hate in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Argumentative Essay

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Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, is a play about two young lovers whose tragic deaths bring peace between their families, the Capulets, and Montagues. It explores the complexity of love and family. In this essay, I will explore how love and tragedy can lead to enemies reuniting.

Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are going through their adolescence stage, where they are aging between ages 13 and 19 which means they are transitioning from childhood to adulthood. This means they make some wrong decisions and some right decisions because they don’t know whether they fall under children or adults. Adolescents do whatever they want because they think they are adults, but when it backfires, they want to be children again and cry to their nurturers. Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are adolescents that have what we call young love, where teenagers start to explore the complexities of romantic love.

Also, young love can be described as a sort of magic: “Alike bewitched by the charm of looks” (2.Prologue.6), it is based of physical attraction because it is love at first sight. Juliet Capulet’s kind of love is defined by withholding it: “But my true love is grown to such excess / I cannot sum up some of half my wealth” (3.1.33–34), meaning that her love for him is too strong to be understood even when it is explained. According to Romeo Montague, love can be violent. This is evident when Romeo crashes the Capulet’s ball and Tybalt, Juliet Capulet’s cousin, determines to kill him just as he sees Juliet Capulet and immediately falls in love with her.

Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulets’ type is love is like a forbidden fruit,(reference) a thing that is desired all the more because it is not allowed.

The Capulet and Montague feud is liable for the deaths of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet because it stood in the way of their love. It was the lovers’ biggest obstacle. Even though so, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet chose to die over being forced to be separated. The families’ feud continuously spills blood, not only Romeo Montagues and Juliet Capulet’s, but also when Mercutio, Tybalt and Paris’s. Their hate was blinding them and led them to act with no sense of care. Only the deaths of their most loved children make them realise that all could have been avoided.

Shakespeare describes the love and hate both in similar depth because the two passions are deeply similar, but at the end of the play love wins because it kills all the hate.

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Love and Hate in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Argumentative Essay. (2020, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/love-and-hate-in-romeo-and-juliet-by-william-shakespeare/

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