Issue of Alcoholism among Teenagers

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‘Alcoholism is one of the hardest health issues in the United States and is one that afflicts individuals in all most all social and economic categories and in different age groups. “The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states that: By the time teenagers reach twelfth grade, more than half of them drink alcohol at least once a week; Nearly half of all teenagers who drink say that they have been drunk at least once compared to only 19 percent twenty years ago; Five percent admit they get drunk once a week or more often; Thirty-four percent say their drinking habit has created problems with school, friends, or constant running with law enforcement.

The average amount of alcohol a teenage drinker consumes is equivalent to four twelve-ounce cans of beer a week. Alcoholic beverages and liquor is one of the favorite drinks of teenagers. More than three million teenagers were interviewed and survey that shown 19 percent of the age 14-17-year old in the U.S. are considered problem drinkers.” (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 2004). Teenage drinking is subsequently and far most serious problems that young people face today. “There has been a considerable research-based effort to identify causal factors of the development of adolescent alcohol use. Usually, low parental socio-economic status is a risk factor for problematic outcomes in offspring.

However, a recent review found little evidence that such factors are associated with alcohol use” (Wiles et al., 2007). I strongly believe that teenagers drinking at an early age can be treated by education, therapy, and thru substance abuse counseling. “What happens when the prevalence of alcohol users and the level of consumption rapidly increase? Will alcohol users become more ‘ordinary’, more integrated and less marginalized? What if prevalence decreases, as it seems to have done after the turn of the century? Did those adolescents who nevertheless started using alcohol report more psychosocial problems and more marginal social positions?” (Pederson & Tilmann 2015 ).

Thousands of American teenager’s drink alcohol. Young teenagers drink for many reasons; whether it is to escape the daily stress of school or family life, or to fit in with their friends. But badly enough, many teenagers discover that it is too late that drinking cannot solve none of their problems. “Unfortunately, adolescent alcohol involvement can consisted of many wide variety of mental health concerns, ranging from low self-esteem and negative cognitive behaviors, depression and suicide.

Mental health problems and disorders occur significantly more frequently among youth with alcohol use disorders than in the general population and substantially more often than can be accounted for by the base rates of these individual disorders (Lilienfeld et al, 1994).” “The earlier alcohol use is initiated during childhood or adolescence, the greater the risk for a variety of adverse consequences. Drinking underage is a reason enough for not to drink, and underage drinking is illegal. Most teens have not learned how to cut off their limits yet, and usually drink more alcohol and liquor than their bodies can handle. Their consequences can cause alcohol poisoning, which causes vomiting, unconsciousness, difficulty breathing, dangerously low blood sugar, seizures and possibly death.

Alcohol abuse amongst teenagers can cause many long-term health problems that may show up until adulthood. Nevertheless, according to studies around 2 million Americans have been diagnosed with alcohol-related liver disease. More symptoms relating to drinking at an early age will cause alcoholic hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), alcoholic cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), or liver cancer. Drinking can also cause heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and different types of cancer (esophagus, mouth, throat, and larynx (voice box). Lastly, drinking can potentially cause pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

In this article the author summarized the underlined effect of your children affected by parents drugging and alcoholic abuse. How children and young people are categorized, whether as ‘helpless victims’ or as ‘problem solvers and inter‐dependent contributors’, ultimately affects how services are designed and developed. Young people who live with parents that drug and alcohol abuse are simply drawing to major problem that affects family members, school life and emotional behaviors. Recent studies show children from alcoholic addition or drug abuse parents tend to follow in the same pattern that they see at home. I could relate to this article because I too was one of them teenager was one parent was once a heavy drinker. In conclusion we could stop this cycle by introduction our teenager with education about drugs and alcoholic abuse.

“Domestic disputes is a common condition for all families with adolescents experiencing alcohol and substance problems. However, youth with heavy alcohol involvement also experience less emotion and solidity in their families. Alcohol-abusing youth less often identify parents as important supports and develop support networks with more drinking peers.” (Tapert et al., 1999). In fact, alcohol abuse is associated with elevated rates of running away from home overnight and homelessness. When adolescent alcohol problems are compounded by parental alcoholism, family communication patterns are marked by more negative affect and poorer problem-solving skills. Teenagers who drink heavily may also be at higher risk for alcohol abuse as adults.

From a learning framework, if an individual does not perceive an alcohol consequence as particularly negative (or perceives it as positive), drinking behavior may be reinforced. With teenager drinking at an early age looking into their future as far as college can worsen. This paragraph explains that drinking can increase heavily during the period of one’s college years. Heavy alcoholic drinking and its consequences are a problem during a period in college. Some college students try to change their way of social drinking, but the real question is how much of them decided to go cold turkey.

The outcome of this survey is devastating outrageous. Some students themselves do not believe there is nothing wrong with their ability to drinking for a long period of time and have no consequence. For example, alcohol is a considered a depressant because it slows the functions of the central nervous system. It is still not known how alcohol affects memory and learning skills of those who drink heavily as a teen, but excessive alcohol use may make school performance worse. Other recalled the results of vomiting, blackouts, regretting sex as a new eye opener. I found some of this article information is true in a way.

As young adults getting from under their parents’ guidance, rules and household, we ask for the freedom you always deserve and ready to take on the world by yourself. The majority of young adults admit to drinking alcohol even before they enter college. After graduating high school and moving out on their own, college students want to experience their own lifetime independence and reality mistakes. Entering college has more access to alcohol during sporting events and social activities which become often tempting for college students. What may start out as one drink can quickly turn into two, three or more.

Drinking week after week causes the body to start building a tolerance to alcohol. This means it will require you to drink more to get the same high. Heavy alcohol consumption can take a toll on a student’s education. Drinking may can even set a standard priority over attending classes, finishing up homework and studying for exams.

A survey was conducted to inform that one in every four college students admit to having poor grades or other academic problems because of their drinking behavior. A lack of effort in school can make a difference in whether a student passes or fails a class. It can cost thousands of dollars to retake a course or change majors due to bad grades. In addition, failing classes will push back a student’s graduation, taking more time and money to complete the degree program.

Once a young child does become a teenager, there is that time in his young life that he must face many challenges whether it is trouble at home or school. Trying to find his identity amongst his peers and become one of the cool kids, this feeling may lead to depression, loneliness, and many mental disorders. “The earlier alcohol use is initiated during childhood or adolescence, the greater the risk for a variety of adverse consequences.

There are many hard decisions to be made like whether to take drugs, or to drink alcohol. While a teenager is not allowed to drink by law, he is retaining information by being encouraged to drink by television, movies, and peer pressure from friends. Many researcher have conducted an illustrating and summarizing that the social media, movies and commercial that our teenagers are viewing every day, will stimulate them that drinking is a positive way, The more they watch the more they would like to experience the new brewery, especially when Superbowl commercial come on.

Many participants of age 15- 18 years of age conducted a survey in which spending one hour of movies and beer commercial would in fact consume a alcoholic beverage after the show was over. In fact, we speculate that the cognitive thinking of a adolescence has not reach it highest thinking point and for that reason. It seems unharmful for a teen to drink like his favorite movie actor because he drinks alcohol. I found most of this information in this article very useful and enlighten my understanding about how social media, movies and television commercial play a huge role in the lives of our youth “ It is now well known that when youth begin drinking alcohol before age 14, they have a 41 percent chance of developing alcohol dependence during their lifetime compared to individuals who wait to the legal drinking age of 21 when the risk is reduced to 10 percent .”(Grant & Dawson, 1997).

During your younger years, a teenager might experience the opportunity of driving, in addition, alcohol can lead to fatal car accidents, which puts the teen at risk as well as those unknowing drivers around him or her. It does not take much alcohol to impair driving ability. In addition, teens who drink can die from homicide, suicide, and other accidents. Today, alcohol is widely available and aggressively promoted throughout society. And alcohol use continues to be regarded, by many people, as a normal part of growing up. Yet underage drinking is dangerous, not only for the drinker but also for society, as evident by the number of alcohol-involved motor vehicle crashes, homicides, suicides, and other injuries.

Young adults who begin drinking early in life run the risk of developing serious alcohol problems, including alcoholism, later in life. They also are at higher risk for a variety of serious consequences, including failure in family relationship, health and disorder problems, and poor performance in school. Identifying teenagers as a greatest risk can help stop problems before they develop. And innovative, comprehensive approaches to prevention, such as Project Northland, are showing success in reducing experimentation with alcohol as well as the problems that accompany alcohol use by young people.


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Issue of Alcoholism among Teenagers. (2021, Mar 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/issue-of-alcoholism-among-teenagers/

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