How to Pick a Good Tennis Racket

  • Updated December 28, 2021
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Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world. In 2017, approximately 17.6 million people played tennis in the USA alone!

Each one of those players had to pick up a tennis racket in order to play the game.

While a racket is necessary to play the game, it’s just as important that players pick the right racket for their needs.

Tennis rackets have come a long way from the single-size wooden rackets of the 1920s. Though new technology has made the game easier and more fun to play, it does make selecting a racket more difficult.

Not sure where to start? In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to pick a good tennis racket so you can focus on the rules of the game rather than worrying about your gear.

Think About Skill Level

Tennis rackets are available with different sized heads, which determines how much power the racket contributes to each hit. Different head sizes often correspond to different skill levels.

Beginners: Look for rackets with larger heads. These models offer more surface area for the ball to hit with each swing and add more power to each hit. This helps you focus on your form without worrying about sending the ball over the net.

Intermediate Players: If your accuracy is good or you want to improve further, choose a racket with a slightly smaller head. This will help you improve accuracy without making the game too challenging to enjoy.

Advanced Players: Advanced tennis players may prefer rackets with smaller heads. These models give you more control over each hit and let you focus on making accurate scores rather than simply hitting the ball.

Pick the Right Length

Modern adult tennis rackets range in length from 27 to 29 inches. Longer rackets give each swing more power, but shorter rackets are often easier to control.

For players just starting out, a 27 inch racket will be ideal. These rackets give you enough power to move the ball across the court, but also give you better control over each swing.

As your game improves or your preferences change, you can always try a longer model.

For more intermediate players, a long racket can help you improve the power in each swing. You’ll already have the experience in controlling the ball, so you can focus on adding more power behind the hit.

Measure Your Grip

Everyone’s hands are different sizes and the type of grip you choose needs to work with your hand size. A grip that’s too large or bulky will be tough to handle. A grip that’s too small can get uncomfortable and put strain on your wrist after a few minutes on the court.

To pick the right grip, measure your hand. Spread your hand flat and measure from the tip of your ring finger to the tip of the heel of your palm. This measurement will correspond to a grip size. For most people, this measurement will be between 4 and 4.75 inches.

Once you know your measurement, try a few different grips to see how they feel in your hand. If the grip that matches your measurement feels too small, try the next size up. Measurements are more of a guide rather than a hard and fast size.

Consider How Flexible the Racket Is

A good tennis racket will offer the perfect balance between flexibility and stiffness. The more flexible a racket is, the more power it will give each swing. The stiffer the racket, the easier it is to control each hit.

Why? When the tennis ball hits the racket’s strings, the force of the impact is absorbed by the racket itself. Stiff rackets absorb less of the impact, causing the ball to go farther when the player follows through with the hit.

Flexible rackets absorb the impact through the strings. This slows the ball down and forces players to use more muscle behind the hit to move the ball the same distance.

For players just starting out, a stiffer racket may be easier to work with. More advanced players or those with stronger swings may prefer a more flexible racket.

Pay Attention to the Weight of the Racket

When buying a tennis racket, you’ll notice that some are heavier than others. Heavy rackets, often called “power rackets,” weigh more than 11 ounces on average. Much of that weight is centered around the head of the racket. This is what gives it more power.

Lightweight rackets weigh about 9 ounces and are ideal for small players. They’re easier to control and let you practice for longer periods of time without getting tired.

Mid-weight rackets fall between 9.5 and 10.9 ounces. For players just starting out or those that don’t know what weight they prefer, this is the best option. Mid-weight rackets offer a balance between easy control and more powerful swings.

Look at String Patterns

String patterns on the best tennis rackets help with ball control and speed. Open string patterns have wide gaps between the strings. This pattern puts more spin on the ball with each hit, making it harder to control where the ball goes.

Closed string patterns have less space between the strings and let the ball move in a more controlled way. For beginners, closed string patterns are best. They’re easier to control and are less likely to break if you hit the ball a little too hard.

Why a Good Tennis Racket Matters

Tennis may be a game of skill, but buying the wrong racket can make the game harder to play. When you’re first learning the game, a beginner-friendly racket will let you focus on the rules and your form without worrying about hitting the ball just right. This can make the game more fun and help you stick with it.

Start Shopping for a Good Tennis Racket

Finding a good tennis racket can make all the difference in your game. Browse our selection of high-quality tennis rackets and order yours today!

Cite this paper

How to Pick a Good Tennis Racket. (2021, Dec 28). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/how-to-pick-a-good-tennis-racket/

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