Hinduism and Vedas

  • Updated December 6, 2020
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Hinduism is an Indian religion that is universally studied in different parts of Southeast Asia, as well as the Indian region. Hinduism is the earth’s third-largest religion with over 1.25 billion followers, which exemplifies that this religion accommodates an impressive population even outside the region. Hinduism is one of the oldest doctrines on the planet if its primary source of practices associated with the Indus Valley civilization (3rd-2nd millennium BCE) Some professors express Hinduism as a combination of unquestionable Indian principles and the way of life.

Regardless of accommodating a comprehensive way of ideologies, Hinduism is a composition of shared ideas, shared word-based materials, perspective, identifiable ceremonies, and religious journey of sacred plots. Hindu sacred texts are documented literature and scripts that relate to any various beliefs of Hinduism. The two fundamental classifications of Hindu text are Smriti and Shruti. Smriti is the Hindu texts that are reminisced about and Shruti are the Hindu texts that are perceived. The Hindu texts talk about the temple known as the Mandir, performances, yoga, Vedic ceremonies, folk tales, ideology, and religious studies. There is a significant role of these texts as they are the sources of domination and everlasting truths. Nevertheless, these texts are cross-examined just to strengthen the perception and to additionally expand the tradition.

The most ancient religious texts of India which define the truth for Hindus are called the Vedas. The Vedas give plenty of enlightenment about the Devine Beings and worship throughout what is frequently called the Vedic period that normally considering extending about 2000 to 500 BCE. It is undetermined the origination of the religion and how the Veda once began. The Vedas seemed to have contained and worshiped male gods that had authority over the forces of nature.

“The Vedas are the earliest sacred books of Hinduism. Originally they were preserved only in oral form, but eventually, they were written. Their name means “knowledge” or “sacred lore,” and related words in English are vision and wisdom. (Chapter 3 page 79)” There are four primary sacred texts in the Veda and that is the Rig Veda which holds the hymns of mythology, the Sam Veda contains hymns about religious rituals, the Yajur Veda gives instructions for the religious rituals, and the Atharva Veda spells against enemies, sorcerers, and diseases.

The Upanishads is another ancient text of spiritual teachings and ideas of Hinduism. They are a portion of the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. “The most important notions in the Upanishads are Brahman, atman, Maya, karma, samsara, and moksha. These primary concepts, which would become essential notions in much later Hindu spirituality, continue to be taught today. (Chapter 3, page 82)” Brahman is important because it is the main belief of Hinduism. “Perhaps the term Atman would be better translated as “deepest self.” (Chapter 3, page 83)” “which is usually translated as “illusion.”

This translation, though, needs explanation. Its root suggests illusion and mystery (as in “magic”), but it also has a more positive, objective connotation that suggests the original stuff of which something is made (as in “material”). The word Maya thus contains both meanings: “magic” and “matter.” (Chapter 3, page 83)” Karma is what determines the direction of one’s rebirth. Samsara is a process of reincarnation where a soul is born repeatedly. Moksha means freedom from samsara. Hinduism is still being practiced in the present day.


  1. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hinduism
  2. https://phoenix.vitalsource.com/#/books/1260529932/cfi/6/26!/4/54/2/4@0:2.06

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Hinduism and Vedas. (2020, Dec 06). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/hinduism-and-vedas/

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