US History Essay Examples Page 8

362 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics

Prosperity or Poverty: The Governments Role in Progressive Era

Pages 5 (1 070 words)

New Deal

The Progressive Era

US History

Open Document

What I Have Learned about Boston Tea Party

Pages 2 (273 words)

Boston Tea Party

US History

Open Document

United States History: Gilded Age

Pages 4 (864 words)

Gilded Age

US History

Open Document

John F Kennedy’s Assassination – Cover-Up or Not?

Pages 6 (1 252 words)

John F Kennedy


US History

Open Document

Represent of Westward Expansion on American Progress Painting Analytical Essay

Pages 5 (1 045 words)


US History

Westward Expansion

Open Document

History of War on Drugs

Pages 8 (1 793 words)


US History

War on Drugs

Open Document

Analysis of the New Deal

Pages 6 (1 305 words)

Franklin D Roosevelt

New Deal

US History

Open Document

Causes and Effects of Vietnam War

Pages 3 (667 words)

US History

Vietnam War

Open Document

Difficulty of the Old South to Accept New Ideas in A Rose for Emily

Pages 9 (2 100 words)

A Rose for Emily


US History

Open Document

Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency

Pages 7 (1 694 words)


Thomas Jefferson

US History

Open Document
1 7 8 9 37

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