Frederick Douglass and His Narrative of the Life and Self-Made Man

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Background Information

Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in Cordova, MD. He was born to his mother Harriet Bailey, giving him the surname Bailey. His birthday wasn’t listen at the time due to slaves not having records as a whole person. He was thought to be born in February 1818. Because he had no real birthday he decided to celebrate his birthday on the 14th of February. He lived and worked in Baltimore for Hugh Auld. During his work there Auld’s wife taught Douglass to read and write despite the laws.

Become Famous

Douglass lived and worked in Baltimore for Hugh Auld. During his work there Auld’s wife taught Douglass to read and write despite the laws.  He later returned to the plantation as a field slave when his master died. After a while he was hired as a ship caulker.  While working he attempted to escape twice and on his second attempt he was successful.  He fled to New York City then changing his name to Douglass to avoid slave hunter.  He wrote on experiences in slavery and life after the war. He thrusted into the forefront of the US abolition movement with his literary brilliance and communication skills. He was not only an abolitionist but also a human and women’s right activist, an orator, journalist, publisher, and social reformer.

Impact on Others

He was the father of the Civil Rights Movement.  He is and was well known for lecturing thousands, including women’s rights activists and even presidents. He was a compelling force in the anti-slavery movement and the women’s rights movement.  He was married to and helped feminist Anna Murray Douglass.  He helped convince President Lincoln that slaves should serve in the Union forces and that abolition of slavery should be a goal after the war is over.  His start to the right of other people makes him a hero to every African American of our time.


He didn’t acknowledge the fact that he was nominated for vice presidency. Although he didn’t, he also didn’t receive more than one vote but he continued to help the presidents.  Although the doors for blacks to join the military was opened, inequality existed amongst the black soldiers. They were treated poorly and get payed less than white soldiers.  Douglass married twice and his second wife was white. This caused controversy not only because of their races but also because she was 20 years younger than him. This caused he family to disown her but she and he lived happily until his death in 1895.


Being a man of many words, Frederick Douglass had many quotes that sparked different feelings to a cause.  The quote to the left has a simple meaning. This is that to achieve any power you have to want it and work for it. It continues that you will never get power without that demand and you never will.  He has many quotes like this one that shows that you have to work for power and to proceed.  Some of these include: Without a struggle, there can be no progress and Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground.

The Stories He has Written

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

This story shows Douglass’s Like from slavery to freedom. He start out as a slave not only in his body but also his mind. By the end of the story be is both legally free but also mentally free. He goes threw a series of moment or “epiphanies” along his life. He first realized what slavery really is. He starts off as a spared child that suffers mentally. He watched his aunt get whipped and doesn’t see his mother but a few time before she dies. Threw these instances he starts to realize what he is as a slave and all that it entails. During his second stage in life, he moved to Baltimore and learns the power of education. He learns this from his master’s wife who ,despite the laws, taught him to read anyway.

He realizes that if slaves manage to educate themselves, they would be unstoppable to get their freedom. He starts to rebel against his master and is sent away to break his spirit. He, however, he had another epiphany and fight back his bad treatment and leaves his whipping. He later tries to escape twice and on his second attempt he was successful. He makes his way to New York City, then to Massachusetts. After his freedom, however, he realizes his journey isn’t over. His last Epiphany is to not only free himself but to abolish slavery. This started his journey as an abolitionist and wrote his story to teach others of his experiences.

Self-Made Man

On of his famous lectures titled ‘Self-Made Man’ shows what he thinks is a self-made man. It also shows how he feels about the meaning of the word. He says that this type of man is one who “ owe little or nothing to birth, relationship, friendly surroundings; to wealth inherited or to early approved means of education”. This definition means that it is a man who achieved greatness by working hard to achieve it. He continues by saying that there is no luck to a self-made man. They achieve this stature with considerable physical and mental effort.

While saying so he also says that you need to work hard to reach this type of success. He further argues that naturally a man, through hard work, will climb the social ladder, while the unmotivated will stay in his position. He applies this idea to the African American man remarking: “Give the negro fair play and let him alone. If he lives, well. If he dies, equally well. If he cannot stand up, let him fall down.’ although he says this he also says that necessities can also urge a man to achieve more. Even with this added acknowledgment, he feels that the most important thing for a man’s success is hard work or they will fail. Closing the lecture by arriving at his morals for hard work.

Themes of the Texts

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

A theme of the text is that even threw time of suffering, you can always have faith that life will get better. Throughout Douglass’s life he has been mistreated or had someone mistreated. He learned and knew that he could make a difference for the blacks in America so one he was free he wanted freedom for all.

Self-Made Man

The theme of this lecture is that to become successful isn’t just about what you have, it is also about the hard work you put towards your decisions. He does this lecture on the major topic of the time, a self-made man, and while doing so shows that although necessities are needed for success, a self-made man needs to work had to get somewhere.

My Connections to the Texts

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is a story of overcoming hard times. I personally connect to his struggles of feeling certain way about how your life is. I have my own struggles that I only now am I understanding and trying to overcome them. This is how I’m able to connect to this story.

Self-Made Man

Self-Made Man is a lecture about understanding and defining a label or a stereotype. I have had to understand my own self and the label i want to be. The way he had used the positives of the label is contrasting to my way of labeling myself. The text gives me a new approach to seeing myself.

Compare and Contrast

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

  • Differences

It is a story about his life from. slavery to freedom.

It talks about the problems of slavery at the time.

Frederick Douglass say that he wanted to have freedom for everyone.

It shows how he used his resources, hard work, and a natural want to achieve freedom for himself.

Self-Made Man

  • Differences

It is a topic on how a man reaches his goals.

It says that a man not working gets nowhere.

Douglass says that a man needs necessities, hard work, and a natural want to succeed.

  • Similarities

People have to work had to get somewhere

Each text had a central idea that if the person doesnt work hard they wouldn’t be where they were.

Both has show African Americans acting as a result of an idea.

My Recommendations of the Texts

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

If you like stories about overcoming obstacles then you would life the Narrative of Frederick Douglass. It has a man go threw his life learning through his hardships and molding himself. He changed his lifestyle for the future of America.

Self-Made Man

I recommend the self-made lecture for anyone. People who have read his text at the time it was made read it to see how he felt on the idea of a self-made man. Its uses for now is to investigate the types of people that were idolized. The text is how to become this type of person so you can use those traits given to possible improve yourself.


  1. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/08/a-treacherous-president-stood-in-the- way/537066/
  2. https://www.shmoop.com/life-of-frederick-douglass/summary.html
  3. http://mentalfloss.com/article/539306/facts-about-frederick-douglass
  4. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Frederick-Douglass
  5. https://www.biography.com/people/frederick-douglass-9278324

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Frederick Douglass and His Narrative of the Life and Self-Made Man. (2021, Oct 05). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/frederick-douglass-and-his-narrative-of-the-life-and-self-made-man/



How is Frederick Douglass a self-made man?
He is a self-made man because he was born into slavery and rose to prominence as an abolitionist leader.
What is the concept of the self-made man?
The self-made man is a concept that suggests that one can lift oneself up out of poverty or a low social class through hard work and determination. This is in contrast to the idea that someone is born into their station in life and cannot improve their lot.
What is the main point of the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass?
The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is an autobiography of Frederick Douglass, an escaped slave who became a leading abolitionist. The main point of the book is to show the horrors of slavery and the importance of freedom.
What is the message of the speech Self-Made Men?
The lesson taught at this point by human experience is simply this, that the man who will get up will be helped up; and the man who will not get up will be allowed to stay down . This rule may appear somewhat harsh, but in its general application and operation it is wise, just and beneficent.
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