Football Needs Your Help

  • Updated July 23, 2021
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“Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.” The famous coach, football athlete, and analyst, Lou Holtz, once said. Overall, many people admire and praise this man and the sport he played. The sport he played is football. Football was founded on August 20, 1920, in Canton, Ohio. Children start playing football around age five and sometimes that continues long into their life. Football started in schools around the late 19th century, about 50 years after the sport was founded. Unfortunately, there is a debate passing around that football, for students, should be canceled. Football should not be canceled for students because it helps children learn skills that will assist them in the future, it keeps students healthy in the land of the overweight and football can be modified for it to be safer for students.

To start, football should not be canceled because it helps students learn helpful skills that will greatly benefit them in the future. The author states, “…children learn to assess risk[,] based not only on their capabilities but also on the capabilities of their teammates who protect them and work for their mutual interests” (Glatter, 2). In making this comment, the writer is explaining the social and mental skills that children can learn when participating in the sport. This suggests the game can help students develop their social skills and their understanding of working with a team to complete an outlined goal. This act also helps their mental health by boosting their confidence and self-esteem. As you can see, this quote proves that football is excellent for students to play because they are working with a team and being pushed to do their absolute best by the teammates around them.

Another reason football should not be canceled is that it keeps students happily healthy. Glatter states, “Such efforts are also contrary to the elimination of the greatest scourge [causing of great suffering] to the health of our modern society—obesity due to inactivity” (Glatter, 4). When stating this claim, the author explains how football can keep children active and healthy, while loving the exercise. This clarifies that the game can keep children, who live in a very unhealthy country, healthy and active. Football ensures children have a great health record full of enjoyable and daily exercise. This is a clear demonstration of how football benefits students who play because they are exercising daily and being encouraged to be healthier in every way. This keeps students in high spirits as well.

Football should not be canceled for students because football can be changed to be safer. Robert Glatter explains, “[AAP] proposes a series of measures to make football safer—including limiting contact during practices, rule change, improved protective equipment and neck strengthening, among others” (4). By explaining his point, the author is executing the many ways that football can be changed for a safer game. This clarifies that the game can be changed to be safer by changing rules, getting better equipment, limiting contact, and using neck strengthening techniques to strengthen their necks against the repetitive blows to the head. This is a clear demonstration of how football can be changed to be safer for students and their peers.

Football should not be canceled for students because it helps children learn skills that will assist them in the future, it keeps students healthy in the land of the overweight and football can be modified for it to be safer for students. Football keeps students from becoming obese because they exercise daily. Playing football can help children develop skills that will help them in the future with the workforce. If it is necessary, football can be modified to be safer for students. So, going back to the words said by a very respected man of football… Lou Holtz (New York Giants), “Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.”

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Football Needs Your Help. (2021, Jul 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/football-needs-your-help/

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